Why do we need the Messiah? #truth

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Our goal is to shine the light on truth of the REAL Messiah and TRUE Gospel of Yeshua. We seek to highlight the heresy and falsehood of Paul's false "gospel".
#truthsoflife #jewishlearning #facts #truthbomb #falsereligion

Lapid seeks to introduce people to the REAL Gospel of the REAL Messiah Yeshua. We reject the false christ “jesus”, the false religion of Christianity, the heretical teachings of Paul and the pagan gentile church. We reject the notion of a “messianic gentile” or that the uncircumcised gentiles have replaced Israel. Yeshua is the King of the Jews. Therefore, to be truly saved one must become a Jew. We promote the Holy Torah (Law of Moses) and the Jewish faith of the Messiah. Yeshua said that He was the "way" to life! This is the true beit haderekh (house of the way) for anyone seeking the real gospel!

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Baruch HaShem, may the Ahavat Ammi (Love for my people) grow. We forever give praise and thanks to HaShem Who has given us Yeshua (ישוע), the Rock of our lives (Tzur Chayeinu / צור חיינו), He is the Messiah (Moshiach / משיח) of Israel!! We very much appreciate the important work of Rabbi Tovia Singer, of Outreach Judaism, and specifically his revealing of the deceptions of Paul who was a false apostle. #rabbitoviasinger ~ This is the true beit haderekh for anyone seeking the real gospel! NOTE: the gentile messianic (christian) pastor, Ben Burton, of Ladder of Jacob, STRONGLY objects to this movement and wishes you to FLEE! His two main issues are (1) We say that Paul is a heretic and Ben....being a Christian, has his entire religious world view based on Paul and (2) He does not want gentiles to become Jews...because he, himself, is a gentile.
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Genesis 3: 17 Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’:
“Cursed is the ground for your sake;
In toil you shall eat of it
All the days of your life.
Matthew 1: 21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
Luke 19: 10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”


And then many sick and maimed came to Jesus, asking him. "if you know all things, tell us, why do we suffer with these grievous plagues? Why are we not whole like other men? Master, heal us, that we too may be made strong, and need abide no longer in our misery. We know that you have it in your power to heal all manner of disease. Free us from Satan and from all his great afflictions. Master, have compassion on us."
And Jesus answered- "Happy are you that you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom. Happy are you, that you knock, for I will open to you the door of life. Happy are you, that you would cast off the power of Satan, for I will lead you into the kingdom of our Mother's angels, where the power of Satan cannot enter."
And they asked him in amazement: "Who is our Mother and which her angels? And where is her kingdom?"
"Your Mother is in you, and you in her. She bore you she gives you life. it was she who gave to you your body, and to her shall you one day give it back again. Happy are you when you come to know her and her kingdom; if you receive your Mother's angels and if you do her laws. I tell you truly, he who does these things shall never see disease. For the power of our Mother is above all. And it destroys Satan and his kingdom, and has rule over all your bodies and all living things.


For the Atonement of our sins He’s The King and Savior, Redeemer and a Rock for our foundation and our fortress, to take Refuge in He is Wise beyond our understanding and He’s Supernatural He’s a Miracle Worker. We need him desperately for we have fallen to many times He Straightens The Bent, Who gives sight to the blind, who has provided my every need, who firms man’s footsteps and I could keep going but you should get the idea.


Why we need the Messiah would take about a five minute Google search😂😂😂


Why did they kill the Messiah at the behest of Lilith


This is alarming that a rabbi didn’t know why a messiah was needed.
