(New) Google Analytics 4 E-commerce Tracking For Shopify

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Shopify just came out with a direct integration to Google Analytics 4. In this video, I will be showing you how to set up e-commerce conversion tracking in GA4 using Shopify.


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Dude thank you. I was going insane getting this setup, and created my own data layers only for GA4 to double-count my purchase events. Found your video, removed all the old code and paused my GTM tags and now I'm all good. 🙌


It's interesting. I implemented the exact steps and everything works, except the purchase event not firing. All the other events are loading perfectly, purchase doesn't... I tried with COD then I tried with Credit card (Stripe) and none of the tests firedt the purchase event... Any idea...?


Oh my god, thank you SO MUCH. I've been going in circles trying to work this out and it's this simple? My god - they need to communicate implementation processes more effectively. I will say that I did follow your first video tutorial first, so maybe just take that down alltogether.


This video is a saviour, I was earlier able to see multiple page view hits on the tag assistant/ gtm preview mode. I had added the gtm code to shopify & also ocnfigured ga4 on shopify, that was resulting in multiple hits. However, I would still need help with how to set up scroll event with custom depths for shopify.


Amazing video to understand the power of GA4. Thanks for the detailed explanation on how it works


So i followed this tutorial.. added the GA4 sales channel and signed in etc.
when i debug, i can see all events being detected and firing.. but inside my "events" section, it doesn't include any of the stanard ecommerce events like add to cart, payment info etc. so it isnt actually recording any of this info.

it looks pretty complicated to manually add these events with their many parameters. what do you recommend i do to fix this?


Thank you. This is so straight forward and easy to understand. Worth subscribing to your channel ☺


Great video! Had to play it .75 speed to get all the information.


I do see the purchase works in the debugger but it still doesn't show the revenue in my Google analytics dashboard.
What can I do?


This was straight forward and easy to follow. Appreciate it!


Hi ZoCo, thank you for the video!
I did go through the debug steps usign the Chrome extension, working fine, expect for the purschase not being detected...
Any ideas of what could block this?


Thanks so much for this tutorial. I followed it and the debug event showed up, however when I go to the reports snapshot page the conversion event isn't showing up there. It's also mis-reporting historically for 24+ hours ago. Any idea why this might be? it's pretty significantly off and has been for awhile (I've been trying to troubleshoot and that's what led me to your video!)


Thanks for the video. I see the purchase in the debugger, however the total revenue is still 0. Any idea why this is? Do I have to add extra code in the settings-> order page --> extra script ? Any idea on why it is not working?


Amazing, I’ve been waiting for this integration!


I have Google Ads conversion tracking set up in GTM, will this add all the data layer values for me to pull out transaction ID, order value and currency (mapped via variables) for that?


Thank your for the video! I followed this guide but it still seems like the purchase conversion ain't tracking when it comes to Google Ads. Is there another video I should be following for that? Afraid to follow another video without asking incase I mess something up.


Thanks for the video but i am confused with the revenue figure. Your order was for $10.24 (product) + $5.99 (shipping) = $16.23 but the revenue showed as $14.38. Am i missing something?


Lmao i felt like a software engineer last night cause tbh i followed every step of the other vid and wound up with double data then i twiddled and clicked and even after somehow i fixed that i found this vid in the comments of your other one --- so now just undid all of that. lololololololololololo (annnd I had already enabled this before i found your other video hahahahahahahah)


Can I point out this is not the method wanted by google and shopify.
There seems to be too many early implementations before shopify rolled out the proper update to this.

There is the google marketing app from google specific for this, merchant and adwords.
When setup there is no code drop. Shopify has Javascript called treckie that runs this.

It is all APP and API driven with GA4 being the central hub.
If you set this up but then have someone do another tag manger, drop code on the site the old way then you have double data.
You would also need to do liquid code to create the needed datalayer data as well as the small code on the text editor area in admin to manage order completitions to properly track.
You can still do it this way if you want but you can not do both and it is not the updated doc preferred way to do these from shopify or googlein regard to shopify.


I went through all the steps, which were very clear and concise (thank you). My Debugging view seems to be working fine. But in my Shopify Preferences, Under the "Manage Pixel Here" button there is a box, which says, "Google Analytics Account, " then "Paste your code from Google here." I followed the instructions, got a code from Tag Manager, " pasted it in the box and got an error saying the code wasn't valid. Also, in Tag Manager, the instructions say to paste the code into every page of your website. Is all this necessary if I've already followed the steps in this video?
