Prof Alex Lecture - Chapter 1: Introduction to Sociology

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Hi Professor Alex,

I learned that W. E. B. Du Bois was an African American powerhouse. He brought numbers into sociology in America and did it by hand, without any of the technology that we have now. I think the development of some of his thinkings is very inspiring as well!

-Samantha Curry (LD10)


Good afternoon Professor Alex,
I learned that Harriet Martineau came from the UK and called out the U.S for their sexism and racism.
Emile Durkheim was the first that thought sociology was worthy of its own field

George Herbed Mead focused on the development of the self. How we perceived ourselves in different contexts. How we see ourselves and others. How we behave in different social settings. The idea that our identity arises from the process of interactions and communications with others is really valid. I say this because thinking about, in my opinion, if we were in different environments then we would think and act differently. It would all depend on our interactions. The people we are around. They usually have an influence on what we think and how we behave.
- Tania Sanchez (LDO3)


Hi Professor Alex,
I learned that sociology is a subject that helps us understand ourselves. With sociology we are able to under other peoples experiences better and be supportive of each to work with them better.


Hello Professor Alex,

I learned about the concept of sociological imagination, which really stood out to me. This perspective helped me understand that my individual challenges are often linked to broader societal issues, such as economic conditions or cultural norms. I feel like I can better analyze my own life and the world around me, making me more aware of the complexities of social interactions and structures.


Good Afternoon Professor Alex,
Something I learned in chapter 1 was all of the theorist and what they are known for. Especially, that Harriet Martineau came into the USA to do observation and she made it open to the world.


Hello, Professor Alex

I learned that Du Bois was one of the first black sociologist. He was brought looks of new things to the United States like statistics . Another thing I learned is that symbolic interactionism is something I going to be very interested in because the example of the ring on the ring finger gives the status of marriage. Plus I would like to see other places in life where symbolic interactionism can be found. Loved your video by the way. 
Class (LD09)


Good afternoon Professor Alex,
I learned that sociology helps us understand the study of groups and group interactions. What was interesting to me is knowing the concept of sociological imagination.


Good Evening Professor Alex,

I learned about Du Bois and how he was the first person to bring statistics to the U.S.

Erikaeve Ventura ( LD03)


Good Afternoon Professor Alex
I learned that Proletariat is the normal income receivers while the bourgeoise is not only a 1% but a 0.01% of the population which includes millionaires/billionaires.


Good Evening Prof Alex,
I learned that W. E. B. Du Bois was one of the preeminent leaders in the African American Civil Rights movement and helped found the NAACP.
-Jeremiah (LD03)


One thing I learned was Qualitative Sociology and Quantitative Sociology.
Quantitative Sociology focuses on statistical methods and researchers will analyze the data to see if they can uncover the patterns of human behaviors.
Qualitative Sociology focuses on understanding human behavior through interviews, focus groups and even analyzing of sources.


Hello Professor Alex,

I learned that three paradigms or perspectives in sociology are used in many sociological discussions: structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionalism.


Good morning, Professor Alex

From the theorist that contributed to the field of sociology, I learned that our interaction with people affects the way we look at ourselves; it can affect us positively or negatively. Our interaction with others also affects them too. I also learned that communication/conversation can change the state of conflict/ argument .


Good Afternoon Professor Alex,
I learned that even the richest, most affluent individuals are apart of the working (proletariat) class.


Hi professor Alex,
I learned that symbolic interactionism is basically how we interact with each other. Without rlly speaking. Like having a sticker of ur favorite show on ur laptop and someone will know u like that particular show.


Hi Professor Alex,

A few interesting facts I learned from this chapter are:
- Harriet Martineau was originally from the UK but came to the US and called out the injustice towards women and Black people at the time.
- Karl Marx believed that social change occurred as a result of social conflict. Conflicts lead to conversations, which ultimately lead to change.
- Herbert Spencer is known for social Darwinism, which is the belief that the strong should have more power and wealth than the weak.

Marvel Esua (LD03)


Good Morning Prof Alex,

I learned that you can be making a lot of money but still be considered the working class (Proletariat) you’d have to own the means of production to be considered (Bourgeois)


Hello Professor Alex,

One thing I learned in this chapter is how structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism are the three paradigms that dominated a lot of social discussions.

Samuel Rivera (LD09)


Good evening Professor Alex,

I learned that Goerge Herbert Mead was a symbolic Interactionist. Symbolic interactionism is the way we interact with symbols such as clothes or how we act.


Hi Professor Alex,
In chapter 1, I learned there’s likely to be more samples in quantitative sociology and it’s cheaper than qualitative sociology and you can’t interview or work with people in “vulnerable populations” unless you have PhD and years of experience.
Juan Carlos Rodriguez
