Camellya-Kurumi Tokisaki Wuthering Wave Mod_V2.0

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Just a Wuwa mod by a noob :pp

I have been working on this mod since the release of Camellya so don't tell me this mod should be for Carlotta ok. Besides, I just came across the classic version of Tokisaki made by GEISHIA for Carlotta. So I am not making any variations for Carlotta.

Anyway, just like the last time, I am here to ruin your experience when using my mod, cause once you see these errors you are not gonna unsee that.

Lack of rigs result in her thighs going through the dress, and clumsy dress movement.
Some parts got inverted. I am not sure why, I had been testing for a week, trying to solve the problem. The only solution is to delete its thickness, or get rid of the hole mesh :33
The dress at first is slightly above her knees, but in game, it bounces like jelly, due to the lack of bones. -.-

I have been using 3dmigoto to mod since the release of Zhezhi, and I don't know how it works to be honest. I have encountered so many weird errors which I don't even know why. I Tried to minimize errors by testing and fixing, but the result ended up not as i expected.

base form is spicy, but her budding form😭, what happened. what demon possessed her.


Is it not possible to put this in Carllota?
