You need to properly level the bed. When the strings are "curly" it means head is too far from the print platform. That is the reason raftless print didn't work.
Wrt pealing off raft from the object, it's all in the what temp you print top raft layer and bottom object layer. They are print colder then the rest so adhesion is "just enough" so you can peal raft easy.
hi dave that spiral effect on the bottom side of the raft could be caused because of the height of the extruder from the build platform try adjusting the knobs on the build platform.
hope that helps
im assuming that the spirals are from your bed not being level.... close enough isnt good enough...
28:21 I paused and read the directions on all the pages when you flipped through it and read that it actually warns you about the bars when picking it up.
It was just my poor alignment of the front of the build platform. Fixed with a few turns of the screws.
This video was how i found your blog. How lucky i was to stumble over this video!!
From what I have seen on these printing, there are a few software settings that can be adjusted and it will work much better.
I think its the alignment of the front of the base is too low causing the raft issue.
I believe those spirals in the raft are because the front edge of the build platform is slightly too low. This meant the raft wasn't really 'stuck' at the front which probably allowed it to warp as is did.
No you do not have to adjust the build platform on commercial models. You still set the datum however.
Yep, I was going to comment on that too. It looks like the front/back adjustment was thrown off when he adjusted the left/right height of the platform. I would think adjusting each corner of the platforms would be more effective rather than the sides.
Maybe it would've printed a better base on the uCurrent if the extra gunk on the nozzle was cleaned up before the print began...
I think the curling on the raft is because your plate/platform is not close enough to the extruder. Try adjusting the screws underneath.
I personally think that you could get a better first alignment by going to the corners instead of center of the sides. And I do think heating the bed before aligning will make a difference. Looks like MakerBot still has a few things to learn before I'll be parting with that much cash.
I believe it is also because of uneven airflow over the print causing it to cool at different rates. I have added a cardboard air scoop to push the air coming out of the left side he heat sink up. This has reduced the print warping
At 34:28 your button press actually hit the button twice in a row quickly. That's why the text was confusing. You missed "I'm going to move the extruder to various positions for adjustment.".
I find that with large prints the edges can lift quite easily. I tend to wait for the raft to finish printing, hit pause, tape the corners of the raft down with kapton tape and then set it off again. The lifting is due to the material cooling at different rates and the plastic not sticking to the base. Make sure there's no draft in the room and clean the bed with alcohol after a few prints.
It's a precision machine. Of course it has to be adjusted after shipment and before use. You should really do the adjustment process twice to make sure you've got it right.
love the "no shoes in the workshop" wish i had a lab like that.
looks very clean in there nice job.
Its going to be sat on the rubber feet so what's it matter is they fall off?