What You Need to Know if You are a Short Guy | What Women Want | Coach Melannie

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Here’s what you need to know if you are a short guy! I’m telling you exactly what women want when it comes to height and men in general. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised 😏
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#CoachMelannie #datingcoach #Christiandating

I have a lot of men message me concerned that no girl will ever want to date them because they are short. Girls only want to date tall guys, right? If you feel this way just know you aren’t alone.

Actually, we all have things we are super self-conscious about. It’s kind of part of being human. BUT even if you’ve felt for years that being short is stopping you from finding and attracting a great girl I hope this video will help put your mind at ease.

Want me to walk you through finding and attracting your dream girl? Click the link below to learn how to get started 👇

Want more videos on Christian dating and how to have a healthy relationship? Check out the links below! Have any questions? Leave me a comment 😊

More videos on Christian Dating and how to have a healthy relationship:

About Me:
Hi! I’m Melannie. I’m a relationship coach with strong Christian Values, an abuse survivor and your biggest cheerleader. I take Christian men by the hand and show you how to find and attract your dream girl by 1) Opening the doors to “girl world” and how women think. 2) Teaching you how to identify the traits of your dream girl and become attractive to her – Yes, she is out there and she wants to meet you! 3) Giving you the tools to create mature relationships centered on Christian principles rather than mind games or worldly opinions. Subscribe and ring the notification bell if you like what you see!

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Song: I Found Love (feat. Brenton Mattheus) - Dustin Miles
Music provided by Ninety9Lives
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Random Question of the Day: Spiderman… He’s my favorite (Andrew Garfield). I have no idea if he’s Marvel or DC but he’s my favorite 😂 😊


I'm getting tired of being avoided and getting dirty looks in public

Im not going to hurt or ask anyone out I just want to buy food


Im short. The only way for me to get a girl is becoming rich.


I'm 5'5 and never had major issues getting beautiful women from middle school through university and I'm still a force to be reckoned with at 42. Short men need to work harder to be exceptional in every way to get the same opportunities taller men get with ease. Take this burden in stride and have consolation in knowing you'll become a much stronger and powerful man through this process. Work out and stay fit. Take great care of your hair, skin and nails. Wear nicely tailored clothing. Make sure you look and smell divine ALWAYS. Put in the work to cultivate unshakeable confidence, a magnetic personality and a heart of gold. Gain mastery of different areas of study, hobbies and skills to make the value proposition more compelling. Strive to be a Renaissance Man. Fight for your life.


I'm 33 years old and 5'5. Last relationship was over 10 years ago. Now I recently quit dating. I've tried and tried but nothing works. I feel like I'm too far behind the times and as a result I'm done and preparing to spend my life alone.

Keep up the great work on your videos.


I'm 5.2 therefore out of the game. I shut the door and started thinking about myself only a long time ago; briefly, I quit because I had no other solution. There many things I can do, different jobs and activities, I speak three languages, I'm independent and never bother anybody. But all of these characteristics don't count because of my height. You kept saying "there are girls who..." when it's instead the vast majority who wouldn't even consider talking to me because of my height. I accepted it, as I've been ready to live alone and I'm already doing it.


I'm a short man, I had cancer in my teen years and cancer/chemo stunted my growth, I fought hard, and after high school I was in remission. I thought life would be happy, but I was wrong, as the years went on I struggled so much being a short guy, from getting rejected constantly, to being made fun of, to people not taking me seriously. Even body positive people crap on mens height. It was so painful, even more painful than the cancer to be honest. It's enough that I wish I never survived cancer, and it should have just took me out during my teens. I might have been cancer free but now society treats my height like cancer. I tried to be positive but it's just coping at this point. Now my cancer came back very aggressive, It's tearing my body, at best I only have a year to live and honestly I don't mind it anymore because the experience of being a short man is infinitely more painful than the cancer I had to deal with, now I can just finally rest and be free from the shackles of heightism.


Mam you came in my life as an angel I had been suffering from inferiority complex of being short and I had given up on dating but now when I watched your video I don't think I am less than anyone or even better than anyone because everyone has flaws you have to accept it and still come out on top!! And thank you again ❤️ for making me feel good about myself


You act differently than any other girl I have ever seen but I love it. That giggly, cheerful personality is bound to attract guys to you. Kinda cute too


Thank you for this! I needed to hear this. You're an angel. 😄


m a 168cm(5'5) female am seeing a guy who is 164cm(5'3) and he is so caring, verry confident and his masculine energy is over the top..he recently told me that he feels a bit weird when we are in public-am left to wonder whats wrong coz for me height is not an issue i trully like him for who he is


Your attitude is great, Mel. Guys, I know it can be discouraging at times if you’re short, but my advice is don’t give up hope that one day the right girl will come along. I am just under 5’7”, and had a few problems with online dating for several years (although I did get some dates), eventually I met a wonderful Chinese woman. We have now been married for 8.5 years and have a beautiful 3 year old son.


I’m short, but I’m handsome, smart and a good singer. I can’t have ALL of the things going for me!!!


In a surprising twist to the story David Archuleta is gay. I have never had a woman tell me that I lacked confidence, but they do tell me that I am too short (5'0). I have heard people say if someone tells you who they are, believe them. If you say that you would never date a man under (fill in the height) no matter what the person is like, that just shows how shallow that person is.


I'm 4 yrs late to this video but really enjoyed your perspective on this subject as I am a 5'6.5" guy. I married a very attractive Asian woman who is much shorter than I am. I have been with very attractive women who were much taller than me and agree that not all women are obsessed over height. What really matter, regardless of your height, is how you treat others. A great heart is always bigger than any ego. BTW, I love your voice and could listen to you all day.


It’s still not fair that this world is the way it is about short guys, I’m 5 ft 1 and I hate shallow women


short, bald, baby face. Triple whammy. It literally takes an act of God, no matter how hard some of us try.


Hi Coach melannie, I have usually been a confident single man, i'm 5'6 and my height never bothered me much but lately its been really rough. Maybe its a social media craze but I see so many comments about height being such a big deal, that I've become greatly discouraged. I watched your videos but honestly, you keep saying the words "some girls". It really seems like its not some, its MAJORITY of women overwhelmingly prefer taller men. Maybe I'm stuck in a rut now and have been talking to the wrong girls. All I know is, Ive been confident but hearing it repeated over and over by women has slowly but surely began to alter the way I see myself. Any thoughts? Thanks


I appreciate much of what Melanie said here, HOWEVER...cracking jokes about your height (and self deprecating humor in general) is socially very risky business and should be avoided unless you really know what you're doing. It is only endearing if you use it in a context where your are already seen as powerful, and those hearing the joke know you as a person who exudes confidence. Otherwise, it just comes across as a veiled exposition of your insecurities which is never what you want to do as a guy.


Any woman who would reject a guy simply because his legs aren't long enough has serious issues and doesn't really deserve a successful dating life.
