Yandere Simulator Concepts: Joining the Student Council

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I see a lot of you repeating the same questions, so I'll be editing this comment every few days answering your questions.
*The tasks are too easy!* I agree with you, the video was actually very rushed, my first concept was making pose mode pictures and compiling them together, that would have taken a lot of time but would have ended up looking better because I am experienced at it, but I realized making a combination of cutscenes and edited pictures could look better, so I quickly scrapped the first concept and made these rushed cutscenes instead.
*There's a drinking fountain next to Shiromi, she should just drink that instead!* One potential explanation for this is that Shiromi specifically wants a soda, not water, otherwise she could have plenty of access to drinking fountains. Another explanation for this could be that Megami specifically told the members to not use the fountain to prevent them from being harmed if the drinking fountains are ever tampered with.
*Is this a mod? Where can I download it?* It could be counted as a mod, but it's not really one, it's just a bunch of messy cutscenes activated by pressing keys and edited task popups. It's not for download.


I just thought of this every task Ayano gets is actually staged and the student council are trying to get her in trouble, but then Ayano is able to complete all of the tasks and they think of her as useful, allowing her to join the club. Dunno why I thought of that but it seems like something the student council would do.


I imagine that these girls would talk different. I think their dialogues would sound more like this.

*Talk with Kuroko and Yan-chan:*
Y: Hello Kuroko!
K: salutations Ayano.
Y:do you need help with something?
K: I'm not supposed to talk with people out of the council, but I see that I do not have a choice this time..
K: I am suspicious that the science club is doing.. Illegal stuff...
Y: why would you think that?
K:I have reasons.
K: could you please sneak in and put this bug so I can listen to their convos?
(accept task)
K: thank you Ayano. But this is a secret among us. I prohibit you from telling anyone, that I told you to do this.

*after completing her task*
I did not expect you to sneak in. But thank you for helping me. Maybe you're nicer than we thought...

I think that because Kuroko is very formal, she would talk in long and complicated sentences.

I won't change Akane's, because it fits her.

*talk with Shiromi and Yan-chan*

Y: hello Shiromi, do you need help?
S: yes. I'm thirsty, but I forgot my wallet.
Y:can't you drink from the water fountain?
S: no. I have reasons.
S: can you buy me a soda?
(accept task)
S: thanks. I'll pay back tommorow.

*after completing the task*

S: you're very helpful Ayano. Thanks.

I did not know what Shiromi was like, but after doing some research, I thought of this dialogue immediately.

*talk with Aoi and Yan-chan*

Y: hey Aoi! Do you need help with something?
A: Pfft, I do, but it's for dangerous for some random girl like you.
Y: you don't know me, if you think that it's too dangerous for me...
A: well... I don't really care what happens to you, but if I don't get expelled, you can go do this.
A: the delinquents need to be teached a lesson, but I can't beat them up, I would get kicked out the council!
A: look, I'll be really thankful if you beat them up. I won't tell anyone about this, but you can't tell anyone either!
(accept task)
A: I still doubt you'll beat them up. Good luck, I guess.

*after completing the task*

A: damn, you rock Ayano! You looked so badass doing that!

Aoi is rude and violent. I was thinking that she would curse, but since she's in the council, I thought that she would be rude and intimidating, but she wouldn't curse very much or throw fists. I also decided that she wouldn't say "thanks" she would just tell Yan-chan that she rocks.

*After finishing the tasks...*

K: salutations Ayano.
Y: hello Kuroko.
K: I wanted to thank you for helping me out. I believe we all misjudged you.
K: would you need help with something?
Y: yes, actually, I was wondering if I could join the student Council.
K: I'm not sure if I can let you join... It isn't easy to join us.
K: I'll have a meeting with the rest of the council, we'll see if we can come to an agreement to let you in.
Y: sounds good enough for me.
K: that's great, I'll message you after school to tell you if you're in and more details.

Maybe the texting could be improved, but I'm already tired of typing all this, haha.

*Oh and, I'll highlight this so you see it. I'm not nitpicking, and I read the pinned comment. I really appreciate this concept, it was a good idea! But since you did it in a rush I thought I could try to make a more fitting dialogue for the characters. Feel free to reply with what you think of my version!*


This concept should, be in Yandere Simulator


I don't think you can beat them tho.
*This 'but a scratch.*


These are good however I'll try my best to make them better

Kuroko: She has a feeling that the bullies might be gossiping instead of cleaning the school. She needs your help by spying on them during cleaning time. (If you help kuroko with this the bullies will clean instead of gossip.

Akane: She feels like there should not be a knife in the occult room so she asks you to ask the counselor if that's ok to keep a knife in the occult club.

Shiromi: There has been a rumor that the delinquents might vandalize the school a little. You must spy on them and see if this is true. If it is you must imminently tell the counselor.

Aoi: I honestly cant think of one for her.


*6:05** In today’s episode of Best Girl Mania, Ayano Aishi known as Yan-Chan beats up Alvin and the chipmunks*


the reason why i want to join the student council is..

the walking style, lmao.


"I promise I'll pay you back later!"

*Probs lying but OK.*


I think Kuroko will speak a LOT more proper. Like:

"I would very much enjoy it if you do not tell anyone else."


"I prohibit any attempt to tell anyone."

Actually now that I think about it the second one is a bit... Much.


"To be honest, I'm really thirsty..." *Aren't we all?*


I remember yan-dev proposed this idea like 2 years ago, , , maybe longer. I literally can't wait. And my girls task being "i need a drink then i can trust you" is so hilarious 😂 it says alot about her personality. All of these tasks are very on brand with each member especially the red head; showing off that even though she has a sweet exterior but has a shady interior by her task being, asking yan-chan to break into the teachers lounge was probably the best way to highlight that fact


4:23 here is something: u could make it like she asks for money for it as the machine is NEXT TO HER-


Megami:My girls stop ayano from any pro....

Student Council: wow you're a very good Ayano person I don't understand how we doubt you

Megami: I'm already dead...


Maybe when you're in the student council, people will eagerly follow you and value compliments more. You can order students to go to a certain place, such as class, roof, fountain, certain club rooms maybe.


This should be added to yandere simulator!
I always wanted to join the student council when I play yandere simulator
Edit:HOLY! thanks for 102 likes! Its the most i've gotten!


It would be so cool if Ayano gains all the student council's trust until Megami arrives and when it's Megami's week she would expose Ayano but the student council members would betray Megami and support Ayano. I think it'd be a good plot twist.


This is an incredible video! Can’t believe it’s your first! Amazing work (:


this instills that old saying:
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


If Shiromi's task were to stay the same, since there are water fountains instead she could start her task by saying something like this: "To be honest, I really want a soda..."
