Stop de EU-Genderquota's!

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Veel bedrijven in de financiële sector zoeken naar vrouwelijk talent, maar lopen tegen een gebrek aan animo aan. De medische sector is juist populairder bij vrouwen. Laten we individuen en bedrijven zelf de vrijheid geven om te kiezen. We moeten erkennen dat er genderspecifieke voorkeuren zijn voor specifieke soorten werk.
#eu #genderequality #ecr #ja21
Volg het werk van JA21- Europarlementariër Michiel Hoogeveen in de EU ook op:
#eu #genderequality #ecr #ja21
Volg het werk van JA21- Europarlementariër Michiel Hoogeveen in de EU ook op:
EU social engineering a massive assault on traditional values - Bill Etheridge
Margaret Thatcher never once required an EU gender helping hand - Bill Etheridge MEP
Fight against discrimination skewed by discrimination - UKIP MEP Diane James
Open-door policy facilitates exploitation of women and children - Margot Parker MEP
Political Correctness causing enormous damage to the safety of women - Stuart Agnew MEP
Harsh EU rhetoric against Russia yielding no solution - Bill Etheridge MEP
EU making things harder for consumers and small businesses - Jonathan Arnott MEP
Federalist MEP says nothing beats funding at EU level - to a question by UKIP MEP Jonathan Arnott
Making vast amounts of money available to the institutionally corrupt - Gerard Batten MEP
A superstate power-grab behind every bleeding-heart issue - UKIP MEP Bill Etheridge
EU interference in national politics is unacceptable - Jonathan Arnott MEP
Europe in a more dangerous precipice today than it has been since WWII - James Carver MEP
Taxpayers now paying for EU folly over Russia - UKIP MEP Jill Seymour
The ruling A.P.C in Sierra Leone has submitted a 10 points position paper to the CRC
Freedom of opportunity is what matters in a free society - UKIP MEP Bill Etheridge
Structuring Arguments - Advanced Training Debate Workshop: Week 2
Challenges faced by women, youth and LQBTQI groups since the military coup in Myanmar
NDP’s politically motivated ethics complaint against Kenney backfires | Sheila Gunn Reid
Mixed Reactions To AUKUS Submarine Deal; Britain Faces Acute Fuel Shortage | World Today
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The Hindu Analysis | September 29th - October 1st | CLAT Current Affairs Analysis | Must-Watch!
8th March, 2022. The Indian Express Newspaper Analysis presented by Priyanka Ma'am (IRS).