LIVE Q&A Episode #12: Romans 8:28-30

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Glory To GOD!!!
Thank you Leighton Flowers!
This is so excellent!


Just brilliant. Thanks brother Flowers


It seems to be common sense to see verse 30 as speaking in the past tense.
If it weren't for the word glorified I might assume that it is speaking about believers after the cross, but Ithe scripture teaches that believers since the cross will not be glorified until we meet Jesus in the air.
When I first studied that verse after being sent to it by a Calvinist who was trying to convince me to put my trust in the teachings of Calvinism, I was led by the Spirit to Matthew 27:52
...“And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, ”.
I see verses 28-30 as an encouragement for us to look forward to glorification.
We read in the previous chapter about Paul struggling with the lusts of the flesh.
We are groaning within ourselves to strip off this body that lusts after sin and Paul is teaching us that the redemption of our body is near!
Chapter 7 is about how sucky this world is and how sucky it is to remain in this body.
Chapter 8 is about our HOPE and that we should walk in the Spirit and not in this filthy flesh.
I see verses 11 and 15 as the key verses in chapter 8...11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you...15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 🤗
False teachers come to bring fear and doubt into our minds and Paul is teaching us that if fear and doubt come to our minds that we should reflect on the Word of God and not the words of false teachers.


I don't mind the long vids, I listen to them while working.


Thanks brother! Wish if I could have joined in! Hay Leighton I'd love to join in! More in depth on Islam and Calvinism? I will be going over our program together to expound really soon here as there was a lot of links we skimmed the surface of! Any Topic I'D LOVE TO JOIN IN. Feel free ;P to send me a link bro I'm off tomorrow too


Soccer are usually 2 hours long. It’s the content, not the length that makes things worth watching. God bless.


Man I feel so sorry for Dr. Flowers as he's struggling to explain these texts out of their contexts.


We are not adopted, or conformed to his image until the redemption of the body . For all those God knows ( people who have believed the Gosepl and are ' in christ ' predestines those to certain glorification. ' Both the Calvernist and Arminian mistake ' Foreknowledge ' as before we are born .


I have zero respect for James white as a Christian, but to be fair give credit where it is due, he is excellent in ONLY one area, TEXTUAL CRITICISM. He is woeful on Islam, Theology, Christian conduct!


Don't get too hung up on the pushing of glorified to fit only a Calvanist int. It seems Jesus was Transfgured, or gave full kingdom glory on the mount of transfiguration. This before he was raised, ie with his body that got tired, hungry, and could be killed... No reason glory cannot be ""with Jesus"" in glory awaiting the new body... IE OT saints are with Jesus, which is far better, or in glory.


Lol! Shorter than most sporting events. Burn!!!! Also, they won’t cry and complain about the your halftime show. This goes to show that you can’t make everyone happy. People will complain about any and everything.
