Age of History 3 - Multiplayer?

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I'm testing the possibilities of creating a peer-to-peer multiplayer mode for Age of History 3.
For now, it's more of a technology demo—a showcase to demonstrate that the connection works between two PCs. This is just the beginning, and there's still a lot of work to be done.
I can't promise that it will succeed or that multiplayer will ultimately be available, but I will do my best to make it happen. We will see!


He just extended the life span by 10 years


I found three bugs in Age of History 3 related to saving and loading the game. Please like this comment so that Lukasz can see, I want him to correct them.
1) The first bug is related to the level of corruption. If the supreme court is upgraded by at least 1 in the game, then every time you save and load this save, the level of corruption will constantly decrease. So, during my longest game, the level of corruption generally decreased to -160%, that is, as I understand it, all my income just increased by 160%.
2) The second bug is related to debt collection. If I save the game when I have active debts and then load this save, then the game forgets how long the debts have to be paid and they just become endless until I manually click "repay the debt".
3) The third bug is related to the bonuses of the legacy of civilization. When I have one of the legacy bonuses pumped, strange things happen when saving and loading the game. For example, in legacy, I upgraded the maximum level of the military academy, then I upgraded the military academy to the maximum, saved the game and then uploaded this save. And somehow magically, the maximum level of the military academy has become even higher, I have the opportunity to upgrade it even more. The same thing, for example, with the maximum level of capital in the legacy, when saving and loading, it increases. Also with the maximum level of the adviser and the maximum level of infrastructure. If these parameters are pumped in the legacy, then when they are saved and loaded, they then increase even more. This happens only with legacy bonuses, if they are not pumped, then there are no strange additional increases when saving and loading.


finally a multiplayer game where you can just pause it, just like your parents tell you too


We got Multiplayer in AoH3 before Gta6 🍷🗿


OMG if this happens this will be better than like... all the paradox games! Thank you Lukasz! As a fellow Pole I am so proud of this game that you were able to make by yourself, and playing Age Of History 2 waiting for the third instalment of the game was worth the wait!!!!


I remember when i used to be a child in elementary school, me and my friends used to regroup on one table, put the history book in a page wich had a pretty big map, picked our country, and started creating the borders of our great empires. We would conquest land, make alliances between us, trades etc... knowing that multiplayer might come is such a beautiful surprise, because i still have one of those friends wich i used to play with in elementary that is fond into history, and also bought AoH III. It's going to be such a beautiful trip in the past :'D


Sweet I’m really impressed with how much work you’re putting into this.


I remember when I thought this could never be possible and now here it is, the upcoming multiplayer.


A buddy of mine introduced AoH 2 to me a year ago, since i love these kinda games i was so thrilled to play the game, so i installed it and ask my bud to taught me how to play it and its all going well, i finally know the game mechanics, we also often share our story, experience on our own campaign in the game, until a few weeks ago he's dealing with a depression and now his mental health is not going good, often talking to himself, and im sad bcz i dont have the chance to tell him about AoH 3 and the new mechanics of the game especially the multiplayer feature that we've been dreaming alot, get well soon Sargent Lang.


"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."


You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this


If multiplayer is added i will literally play 24/7


Szanowny Panie Łukaszu Jakowski,

Chciałbym przekazać kilka propozycji dotyczących rozwoju gry Age of History III, które, moim zdaniem, mogłyby wzbogacić rozgrywkę i zwiększyć jej atrakcyjność dla graczy:

Wprowadzenie systemu handlu – możliwość wymiany zasobów, pieniędzy lub innych dóbr między państwami, co pozwoliłoby na rozwinięcie mechanik gospodarczych. Skonsultowałem tę propozycję z innymi graczami, którzy poparli mój pomysł, zauważając, że taki system mógłby znacząco poprawić aspekt ekonomiczny gry.
System przeciwrakietowy i rakiety – dodanie mechanizmu wystrzeliwania rakiet balistycznych. Na przykład, gracz mógłby zbudować bazę rakietową za 310 złota, umożliwiającą wystrzelenie do 10 rakiet miesięcznie z każdej bazy. Każda rakieta mogłaby kosztować 10 złota i niszczyć 20% ekonomii oraz populacji celu. Dodatkowo, wprowadzenie systemu przeciwrakietowego, który przechwytywałby 50% bomb atomowych oraz 90% zwykłych rakiet, znacząco wzbogaciłoby aspekt strategiczny gry. Ważnym elementem byłoby również wizualne przedstawienie zasięgu ochrony systemu przeciwrakietowego na mapie, co pozwoliłoby graczom lepiej planować rozmieszczenie tych instalacji.
Handel dobrami – rozwinięcie mechaniki gospodarczej poprzez wprowadzenie handlu surowcami, co mogłoby znacząco wpłynąć na rozwój ekonomii i dyplomację w grze.
Przywrócenie mechaniki ultimatum – umożliwienie graczom stawiania warunków i negocjacji w stosunkach międzynarodowych, co dodałoby głębię interakcjom dyplomatycznym. Ta propozycja została również pozytywnie oceniona przez innych graczy, którzy uważają, że ultimatum mogłoby wprowadzić dodatkową warstwę strategii w grze.
Mam nadzieję, że moje propozycje okażą się wartościowe i będą pomocne w dalszym rozwijaniu gry. Dziękuję za uwagę i za wspaniałą pracę, jaką włożył Pan w stworzenie tej serii.


An unsuccessful dream in AOH2 a possible reality in AOH3


Buen trabajo lukasz, te estaremos eternamente agradecidos por este juego!
Has cambiado la industria de la estrategia, en móvil.


As far as I see it is ready and working please release it immediately!!!




Guys, here is how you can play multiplayer if u didnt know:
you go into library, age of history 3, properties, beta, multiplayertest


Keep going with these games you’re killing it
