The BEST Army in Clash of Clans - IT NEVER FAILS! | Clash of Clans

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0:00 Intro
0:28 Attack 1
3:22 Attack 2
6:33 Attack 3
9:49 Attack 4
12:20 Giveaway details

Giveaway details: 5 free gold passes.
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Mass dragon riders are BROKEN!
New RC Walk is crazy good. Navi RC walk. Stars new RC walk.
Clash of clans best dragon attack strategy. Best new clash of clans attack strategy.
Mass dragons army the easiest army in the game.
Gakus e titan army is awesome.
Mass Dragon Riders are insanely strong! Best Air army in clash of clans.
Mass Miners are truly broken! Best Ground army in the game.
Best Army in Clash of Clans.
Top strategies in clash of clans right now.HYDRA IS BACK DOMINATING BASES. Super Bowler attack strategy.
BEST ARMY IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW. Top 3 Strategies post update. Top 3 strategies at th17 after the update.
Mass Dragons are BROKEN. Best hero charge army.This might be the best strategy in clash of clans.
Mass Dragon Attack strategy. Th17 Mass Dragon attack strategy.
Using Rank 1 Players Army. Number One player in clash of clans attack strategy. Easy Th 17 spam attack strategy. Easy Root rider spam attack strategy.
Best TownHall 17 Ground Attack Strategy. Root Rider attack strategy at TH17. Best TH 17 Spam Attack Strategy. Best ground spam attack strategy. Root Rider Attack Strategy. Best Ground Attack Strategy. #clashofclans #coc #supercell #electroboots
Top 5 Attack Strategies at Townhall 17. Best TH 17 Armies. Best Ground Attack Strategy. Best Ground Army at TH17. Easy 3 Stars. Easy 3 star attack. Easy TH 17 Spam Attack Strategy. Easiest TH17 root rider attack strategy. Easy th17 attack strategy. Strong TH17 attack strategy for hard mode. Th17 strategy for hard mode.

This might be the easiest and most powerful th17 Attack strategy.
Best Army in Clash of Clans. #clashofclans #supercell #coc
Best Strategy for TH17. coc th17 new strategy. easy th 17 strategy.
9 Invis attack strategy with hydra is insane. Hydra with Electro Boot Charge. New RC Trick with Hydra. Electro Boots with Air army. Electro Boots with Hydra. Mass dragon rider attack strategy. STARs Attack strategy. NEVER FAIL with this Strategy.
Using Rank 1 Players Army. Number One player in clash of clans attack strategy. Best New Attack Strategy clash of clans th 17. New TH 17 Attack Strategy. Easy 3 stars with Dragon Riders.
Best TownHall 17 Ground Attack Strategy. Root Rider attack strategy at TH17. Best TH 17 Spam Attack Strategy. Best ground spam attack strategy. Root Rider Attack Strategy. Best Ground Attack Strategy.
TH 17 Attack Strategy. TH 17 Event Troop Army. Best Cookie Army. Best Ram Rider Army. Best TH17 Event Troop Army. Best ToySHop Event Army.
Electro Boots Attack Strategy. New RC Trick with Electro Boots. Electro Boots are Amazing. Electro Boots Attack Strategy. coc new atack strategy th17.

Top US player army in clash of clans. Number one ranked player in US with root rider army. New root rider army in clash of clans. NEW recall trick with rc. Easy root rider attack strategy. cwl attacks. root riders in cwl. 3 star attack strategy with root riders. Root rider army after update. easy clash of clans attack. Root riders. Root rider attack strategy in clash of clans. Best th 16 army. Root rider attack strategy. Best Root rider army. cos easiest army. Best ground attack after nerf.Best COC ground army. Best Air Attack in the Game Best Townhall 16 Attack Strategy. How to shoot giant arrow. Perfect day in legends. Best spam army. #airattack #clashofclansattacks #clashofclansattackstrategy
Best TH 16 armies after druid nerf. Druid Nerf. Best Super witch army post druid nerfs. #clashofclans #airattack #clashofclansattackstrategy #legendleagueattack #hydra #supercell #update #superwitch #druid #fireball #mobilegamer #rootrider #rootriderspam
Root riders in the world championships.

TH17 Easiest attack strategy. Minion prince attack strategy. Max level minion prince. Max level Throwers. Town Hall 17 attack strategies. Best townhall 17 attack strategies. Easiest th17 army. Triple Clone Hydra. Double recall trick with hydra
RC trick with Hydra. Crazy New RC trick in Clash of Clans. Crazy New TH 16 attack strategy. Royal Champion attack strategy. Best TH 16 attack strategy. Fireball attack strategy.
#op #superwitch #proattacks #th16legendattack #update
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Giveaway details: 5 free gold passes.
1. Be subscribed to the channel
2. Like the video
3. One comment on this video to get one entry. ( or ones coming up in these 72 hours). Max entries is one.
Winners will be posted in the community tab.


Yo Aky, you're so quick when you analyze a base and figure out how to attack it. If you're showing a replay can you explain in more detail how you beeak down a bases' weaknesses? What are the thing you look for at the start of your attacks?


Been using this army for 2 days and it's pretty fun to use. I almost got a perfect league day as well!


Very helpful specially for attacker like me who dont know how to use air attack. Thanks for this idea my friend


Started using this one as i was struggling with twin hogs since the last update and its going pretty well thanks again !


Hey aky glad you upload a video again about drag riders, i have soo much fun using it😊


love it
would also like to see another video with the normal dragon attack playing that right now


i think siege barracks is better because it helps queen and the slammer doesnt do that much except tank a few shots


You're showing these strategies for TH16-17 and I'm using them on TH13 and they work just fine. Thanks Aky


Your attack analysis is so simple and great 👍 easy to understand ❤


Been using this strategy, thank you man


Awesome army composition! Definitely try it


Hey Aky, I’ve played this game since release and this is the first time I did air attacks in war and legends, thank you so much for giving me this strategy.
I feel so much more confident with this strategy when I use Healing Tome and Rage gem instead of both books, do you think you could do a video on that?


You should try zap dragon riders. I was using zap dragons and then ran across this video in my feed and used dragon riders instead of dragons in my army and it works way better than I thought


nice vid again! what do you think about using the haste vial instead of rocket spear?


I prefer dragons, I don't get much results with dragon riders


Congratulations on the growth of the channel!! ❤️ Stay healthy


Aky: "it never fails"
Me: "challenge accepted!"


Love it. What is the biggest benefit of this over the mass dragons though? Or could you even do this with hydra?


Thank you again for this nice Video. Could you please explain, for what type of bases the dragonrider are better and when normal dragons are better? Also are you always using the RC ability at the beginning?
could you explain why are you using these entry points and not somewhere else. Thank you
