Introducing Reason's 2009 Webathon! Because Free Minds and Free Markets Aren't Free!

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The fight for for freedom has never been more important than now. Here we are, a decade into the 21st century, fer chrissakes, and 20 years after the beginning of the end of communism, and the U.S. government owns a car company, has taken over the financial sector, is about to squeeze out the market from health care, is fighting two bum wars, and on and on. Who could have thought it could worst apres Bush fils? (Plenty of Reason staffers, that's who!)

Reason in all of its iterations is your voice in the public debate, your source for news and commentary from a principled (and non-dogmatic!) libertarian perspective, and a virtual community of the forward-thinkers who can help lead us into a future so bright we'll all need genetically modified corneal implants.

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I allowed my subscription to lapse months ago, but continued to follow Reason online. Thanks largely to this video, I decided to defer my renewal no longer. This evening I re-subscribed to Reason.

You can at least be certain that this video got you $20. I look forward to receiving my journals.


"Does anyone find Matt's whole pitch a bit ironic?"

Why yes. Especially the part where he disses "bankrupt states looking for a handout."


Technically he is selling subscriptions.

I have no idea why they ran this video like a donation ad though...


Did you get the title? "Free Markets Aren't Free"

The market did not speak.
If the market was free, there would not have been all those subprime loans & there would not have been a housing bubble, because housing supply would have been able to keep up with demand.

It was about 10 housing markets (urban areas) that reduced the wanted construction which pushed up prices through many restrictions (ie smart growth policies--big misnomer)


If you love the free market so much, you'd look at how little money you had and go into a more profitable line of work like serving hamburgers at the local In-N-Out. People who are hungry will pay you for hamburgers. Nobody will ever pay you for the garbage you're currently trying to feed people.


Thanks.. yea I remember reading up on that.

Don't know if I'd call it a hit piece per se because they were actually printed in his newsletter and he should have been more responsible about it's content. I think if anything the article does much to exonerate Paul by showing Rockwell's contributions and "Paleo" agenda. I'd rather know more truth than less, especially about the people I support. Nobody is perfect. It would be a hit piece if they wrote him off because of it. Thanks for the source.


What you're saying is, businesses that have to advertise their product to get people to buy it is... ironic?


@libertyplayground: source for hit piece claim please, thanks :)


can you not use google? I mean seriously. You can write a comment on youtube, but you can't use google?

google "ron paul reason" - it'll be the second result, it's about those "newsletters" which ron paul didn't even write


You must be joking. Surely you don't think the cartelized media is a free market.


I think dude just made that up. Probably a troll.


google "ron paul reason newsletters"

reason's a great organization, but that article shouldn't have been written - it was just useless libertarian infighting and personal vendettas.


For some reason, people don't like much to pay for education, let alone even read very often.
Thus, Reason & other research think-tanks need money.
