Just listen to the conversation... its like 6 grade in Oklahoma
He has no main chute, just a reserve deployed. Either he never hooked his static line to the cable in the bird, or his static line broke without deploying his main. Pulling the reserve saved his ass for sure.
There is an off chance that he tried to "Daisy Chain" which is to hook his static line to the paratrooper in front of him instead of the cable in the bird.
Buddy jumps out and chute deploys, he falls below buddy before static line pulls his chute out. If that's what he did, it didn't work and he had to pull his reserve.
There's going to be BIG SMOKE over that. The Jumpmaster will know if he didn't collect a static line from him on the way out.
Scott - 2/504 PIR 82nd ABN Veteran
That’s the problem. When you feel like you are feeling like you are falling faster than your fellow jumpers you pull your reserve. No if, an’s or buts about it. There’s a stigma that comes with it and people start talking trash when they weren’t the ones under the canopy potentially dealing with a malfunction or what they thought was a catastrophic malfunction.
I don't see his main anywhere. Looks like he made the right decision.
We’ve all seen mishaps on the drop zone before, but unless your under his canopy too you really can’t determine why he felt the urge to pull his reserve.
Because private doofus pulled his reserve chute as soon as he exited the aircraft, everyone does it again.
Paratroopers demonstrating their intelligence.
2 chutes are better than one. Ain't that sum old paratrooper saying
i cant see, but i hope hes okay, did his chite fail to open?
Lol I just watched someone who almost hit the ground with speed after he's main chute failed, he managed to pull he's reserve at the last minute before becoming a pancake. I'd like to imagine this is the same guy and he's just not taking any chances this time around 😂.
Some nobody trainee demanding answers.
Was the paratrooper ok? Did he sustain any injuries from that? It looked like he went down faster than the others.
Yank Airborne be doing Yank stuff!!!
Loved jumping with you but with the greatest respect you’re the worst to jump with!
Nowhere near professional enough!
I’m pretty sure the parachute automatically opens at the moment. They exit the airplane and they didn’t know that and ended up pulling the reserve shoot that’s my thought. I really have no idea though.
😂😂😂 this would be me every time, as I tell myself. They will never know 😂😂😂😂
Of this is the same guy posting these parachute fale videos, then I feel the guys packing these chutes are smoking the whacky...
You only have so much space to get your chute deployed, maybe 300 feet, so if you are falling fast, and there’s not a whole A lot of distance between you and the ground, it’s imperative to get that reserve out. Especially if you can see that you’re starting to fall pretty quickly, faster than everyone else.
Now it’s possible that there was a chute that did deploy when he first jumped, but I don’t see any evidence of that in this clip.
People are talking smack on the ground, but if there’s only one chute deployed, and we can see that it is the reserve, then he did exactly what he had to do. If he ended up with a cigar, he did what he had to do. although I don’t see any evidence of that in the clip.
It’s hard to fault him deploying his reserve when we simply can’t see another chute deployed for him.
ROTC cadets? Naw, Airforce, nope …
Just a bunch of dude’s relaxing, you remember first year of college at the home game?!? Maybe sounds added by Keyboard Commando. Just kids.
Did he accidentally pull it? I don’t think he’s dumb enough to do it on purpose. Idek. Cause I don’t think people would even accidentally pull it while being hooked up.
By the time you kids are done drifting softly to earth, whoever may be on the ground can just take their time and set up positions.