This video was fact-checked by real American Patriots: TRUE maurice
This video was fact-checked by real American Patriots: TRUE
You're crazy for this one Mark!🤣😂 raventai
You're crazy for this one Mark!🤣😂
I need more of these! oh my God how is this not more popular? bubbathon
I need more of these! oh my God how is this not more popular?
This is the best one so far! Had me screaming! Great fact too it's amazing what you can do with practical effects! vee
This is the best one so far! Had me screaming! Great fact too it's amazing what you can do with practical effects!
Bro where the fuck is that clip from lmao JohnDoe-vcqb
Bro where the fuck is that clip from lmao
I gain so much knowledge from these videos, keep going Mark. WiskisO
I gain so much knowledge from these videos, keep going Mark.
I'm Ento btw, WFT, what was happening there???? Garzaromera
I'm Ento btw, WFT, what was happening there????
Can I get some context for that clip at the end? apache
Can I get some context for that clip at the end?
Hell naw man's turned into reptile from mk 9😭 JFMPP
Hell naw man's turned into reptile from mk 9😭
Thanks for reminding of that puking jew video brannflakes
Thanks for reminding of that puking jew video
Good thing the cat didn't have to expel it's green gas out the other end! Chickenbowser
Good thing the cat didn't have to expel it's green gas out the other end!
Thank you for making fun of that annoying voice on tiktok jaysnow
Thank you for making fun of that annoying voice on tiktok
You getting tired of these kinds of videos as well? Lmao HerohammerStudios
You getting tired of these kinds of videos as well? Lmao