SA Lockdown Day 15 | South Africa's response levels to COVID-19 with William Gumede

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Like many other countries around the world, South Africa is spending heavily on measures to combat COVID-19 and to cushion the blow to the economy and the broader population.
But South Africa's spending is nowhere near the stimulus packages unveiled by mostly rich first world countries.
The question is can South Africa spend more than it is already spending to fight COVID-19 and stimulate an already struggling economy.
Well, Professor William Gumede from the School of Governance at the University of the Witwatersrand is among those who believe South Africa's response so far seems inadequate.
He joins me via Skype to discuss this further.


Use pension!?!?!?!?!
My grandparents cant survive on their pension after giving their lives to the gov. Leave the old people alone!!!


It is important that we take your livelihood away in order to save your life. This is vital.
