M4ML - Linear Algebra - 2.2 - Part 2: Cosine & Dot Product

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Welcome to the “Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra” course, offered by Imperial College London.

Week 2, Video 2 - Part 2: Cosine & Dot Product

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This course offers an introduction to the linear algebra required for common machine learning techniques. We start by looking at some simultaneous equations problems and showing how these can be expressed using vectors and matrices. We then move on to exploring vector spaces and see how these can be reformulated by changing basis. Next, we explore some methods for manipulating matrices and see how this is done using code, before moving on to some special cases shown using interactive animations. In the final module, we bring all the concepts together to recreate Google’s famous PageRank algorithm, which uses eigenvectors to rank search result by their connectivity.

This course was designed to help you quickly build an intuitive understanding of calculus, as well as the language necessary to look concepts up yourselves when you get stuck; it is not intended cover all the details. We hope you enjoy it and that it gives you the confidence to dive into one of the many other wonderful machine learning courses available online!
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Really thankful for this playlist. Respect to the teacher and Imperial College London itself !


It's alwys exasperating how quickly maths teachers move away from the concrete. The ability to understand manipulation of algebraic abstractions comes only after mastery of the topic in question. To the uninitiated or majority of minds not already predisposed to mathematical thinking, this quickly descends into babble. The absolute minimum for maths teachers is to relate the topics to the real world; given that this is maths for machine learning, one would think that's fairly easy to do. As it is, it only took 6 videos for this to become utterly unattainable to most students.


At 5:20, you said "R dot S" but you wrote "S dot S". I followed what you were saying about it being negative if COS(180), but I think you meant to write "R dot S".


One of the problems I have learning math is the instructors, while good, make mistakes, which causes confusion.


how is he writing from right to left when the video is shot from the opposite side ??


0:53 at this time, how is vector c = r - s ?
