Full steam spacemachine = best song ever! <3 tomatensaftsaft
Full steam spacemachine = best song ever! <3
You are awesome!! :D I cant say more.. the words are dancinging away.. :D KruemelKks
You are awesome!! :D I cant say more.. the words are dancinging away.. :D
This song kicks assesss!!! I love the rap part theawakeningspirit
This song kicks assesss!!! I love the rap part
Hallo from Ukraine. I love this band. In Ukraine Royal Republic not very popular, but I trust it's gona change (my English is terrible, sorry) shnabeil
Hallo from Ukraine. I love this band. In Ukraine Royal Republic not very popular, but I trust it's gona change (my English is terrible, sorry)
Not too thrilled about the rap part. When you do it at a concert, people go wild one the artist say hello. So I think the rap was like that, something unexpected and funny one time event. Please don't turn my favorite song to a song I will rarely listen to. At least not the autistic version. TheKarolean
Not too thrilled about the rap part. When you do it at a concert, people go wild one the artist say hello. So I think the rap was like that, something unexpected and funny one time event. Please don't turn my favorite song to a song I will rarely listen to. At least not the autistic version.