Top 10 Things To Do Every Mix - Warren Huart: Produce Like A Pro

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1. Proper Gain Staging
Always leave enough headroom when mixing. Don’t max out every channel so that when it hits your Master bus the signal clipping heavily. Use Gain Plug ins (some DAWs have this built into the channel) or simply reduce the output going to your master bus from the channel fader.

2. Create Buses To Quickly and Effectively Mix Your Song

3. High Pass Properly

4. Focus and Control the Low End

5. Compression, use it in Stages

6. Use Plug Ins to give an additional Sonic Stamp and Character to your Mix

7. Don’t Be Afraid To Use Parallel Compression

8. Pan Your Instruments to create Space and Width in Your Mix

9. Use Reverbs and Delays to create Space and Depth

10. Automation! Use it!

Produce Like A Pro is a website which features great tips to help the beginning recordist make incredible sounding home recordings on a budget.
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You are the Elvis of Mixing and Producing. Thank you mister.


I'm from Brazil and when I passed to understand English, followed your channel and other ones, I really growing my abilities! Thank you very much!


I have now started taking notes. Because quite frankly I would be a fool not to take full advantage of this excellent education. Warren, I can't thank you enough.


You're an excellent teacher an communicator, it's never boring and I must say that, even after years of professional practice, I still consider myself in a learning process so I find it important to take time to listen and watch and learn from skilled professionals like yourself. And a few others ;-) Thanks Warren - again ! (and, of course, have a super enjoyable day) Cheers!


I've been mixing all morning, saw your vid pop up, and took a break to watch. I feel like a good pupil, I've been watching your videos for long enough that I saw this like a pop quiz checklist, and I passed. You're awesome Warren, as always, I am having a marvelous day.


Everyone says boost the kick at 100 Hz, but as I found out early on, do the opposite of what you hear. Some things you hear lead to the result, but others lead to the opposite. It's all extremely genre and era dependent. Compare and learn, compare and learn. Mixing is like treasure digging. Some things nobody talks about. You discover it by listening closely and analyzing the recordings. These mixing and mastering engineers are refined people, real geniuses, inventing their own plug-ins to achieve a certain effect, spending on hardware like on a house. Those who say mixing is not art, they don't know what art is. There are good mixes and breathtaking mixes, they differ maybe only 2%, but what happens in the 2% is real magic, experience and thinking outside the box.
Thank you Warren, it feels good that you are there!


Thank you Warren! A "Produce Like a Pro" video is like a classic movie, it's never outdated! Loving this one in January 2022.


Warren, thanks so much!! You can certainly add "educator" to your long list of job titles! God bless you sir, for sharing your knowledge so generously and articulately.


Hey Warren, bro you are the most generous person I know, giving away these immense pearls of knowledge. Just a suggestion though when you're done teaching, could you please play back the song or even part of it, so we gain a good understanding of what has really happened there. Just a suggestion, it would give us a before and after and a strong perspective. Thanks so much for all the wisdom bro. Muchos love and respect


Just found out this channel. I Love every minute and learn every second. Thank you so much


Warren, I've been watching your videos for a long time, now. I love, how easy you make the diffcult stuff. Thank you for this! Ride on.


This channel has changed my music for the better. I'm so glad I found it.


I have to say you are by far the most articulate and easy to understand by way of taking his time to explain things for us beginners. Thanks a tone! Lol


Thanks Warren, all your videos have helped me immensely the past year!. Much appreciated Happy New Year be safe!


Your videos really stand out as quality. Genuine, helpful, quality advice and learning opportunities. You can tell if a tutorial video is gonna be shite if it starts with the words: 'What is up guys its your boy...'


I pray that God gives you longer life for your benevolence. You are a great man indeed.


Automation secret sauce ! I wish Warren was my audio teacher !


This is pure liquid gold. I feel like I should be paying for this. Top class teacher right here


Clear, concise, constructive comments...all delivered with such a positive and gracious style. Warren, you’re a pro and a gentleman. How refreshing. I subscribed.


I bookmarked this and am going to be coming back to it every time I produce. My goal is just to make decent sounding demos at home, but I still have so much to learn.
