If You See This In The Ocean, Get Out Of the Water Right Away

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The animals of our world are meant to be equal parts respected...and feared. After all, an animal might look nice and safe to interact with at a distance, but as you get closer? The truth often gets revealed and it's usually not pretty, at all. And that goes especially when you see an animal lying there on the beach or the waters near a beach, because if you don't know, some dangerous critters can get washed up there, and if you're not careful, you'll get hurt. So with that, allow us to show you the 20 Most Dangerous Animals On The Beaches!

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Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever your going through gets better and whatever your struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen


Same clips, different compilation! Great Warnings!🤟


It never occurred to me that the largest crocodile on earth could possibly be so dangerous. After all, they are so cute and cuddly looking!


@18:54 you said great white sharks are known to be over 200 feet long. Why did that major error go without correction?


Wouldn't it be nice 1-day to click on a video and actually see the item that they're showing immediately to get out of the way?
I don't think that they will ever happen there are some videos where you will never see the item that they're showing and then we all scream clickbait but we do it again just to see if this time would be different or we sit through a 30-minute video to find out that the actual item that they were showing turned out to be no big deal we just wasted 30 minutes of our lives for nothing.


Electric eel is not a hagfish. It’s in the knifefish group and the Saltwater croc doesn’t occur in Florida.


You forgot the Atlantic box jelly they usually live in the brackish waters along inner byways of southern VA to Georgia. Storm and warm southern storms can flush them out into the surf zone and surfers get stung and it is as painful and life threatening as its ausie cousin.


Also another thing the blue ring octopus flashes it's blue rings as a warning then if you don't go away it will bite you so stay safe


Funny how they mention the BoxJelly Fish from Australia but show Ocean Safety lifeguards of world Famous Waikiki Beach instead.
The #1 entry, the Puffer Fish, which I’ve caught on my hook many times and not once had it inflate.
There is some local Hawaiians that try to catch the much bigger Puffers and get them inflate in order to make beautiful lamp shades out of them.
By all means, come visit Hawaii, the best weather on the planet!

Todd WH6DWF 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Did you just say a great white can get over 200 ft in length!? I think you need to check your facts. I believe you added an extra zero there. Over 20 ft is still a very big shark. Lol!


Sea cucumbers CAN shoot their intestines out of their behinds to poison predators, but usually they just crawl around the bottom of the sea eating sand and filtering small creatures and waste out of it.
To compare them to things like snakes or jellyfish is silly!


Great whitw sharks are over 200 ft. in length? I think you mean 20 ft. Lol


case in point i saw a different video few days ago. Seagulls are apparently smarter than they appear to be.
someone filmed a Seagull entering a grocery store and comming out with a bag of chips but i doubt it actually payed for those.
The smartness of the the Seagulls in this case is about them seeing "human goes into magic doors! Human comes out with food!"


I'm not going to say with the thumbnail on the left looks like 🤣


When I hear “Cone Snail” I remember the scene in the Lost World where Eddie described what was in those tranq darts. And You forgot that Seagulls are NOISY AND ANNOYING…


There has never been an attack from an orca on a human in the wild only in captivity


Great white sharks do not get to over 200 feet in length. Perhaps as a convoy. Approximately 21 feet is the largest documented white shark on record. Geez, 200 feet!!?? I can't even imagine that kind of terror. I also doubt that a leopard seal filed a report or gave any statement of their fear of divers. Really??


You for got about the the sting Ray which killed Steve urwin


One thing about the Portuguese man o war is they can extend the tentacles or stingers up to 136 feet and my sister was bitten by fire ants twice and stepped on a dead man o war


Hornets an fire ants not what you would expect ti find at the beach but yeah, run away fast or go in the water but watch out for that 200 ft shark while your at it, aye !
