Side Effects of Statins TWD #short

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This is a short video that summarizes the full length Talking With Docs video that discusses the side effects of statin medications. Always speak with your health care provider before starting, stopping or changing dose of any of your medications.

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Do NOT use the Video for medical emergencies. If you have a medical emergency, call a physician or qualified healthcare provider, or CALL 911 immediately. Under no circumstances should you attempt self-treatment based on anything you have seen or read on the Video.

General information is not medical advice
The general information provided on the Video is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practise medicine or general healthcare in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Video and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Video. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. Information obtained on the Video is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.

Link to long video


I had terrible diarrhea. No way was I going to keep taking it. I'm not taking drugs that damage my body. Here's to good diet, exercise, and supplements. I'm in my mid 80's.


Loss of memory here. Please be aware of this. It took me a year and a near depression before I tracked it back to statins


Muscle pain
Elevated sugar
Liver failure
Loss of Memory


So nice to see doctors who are friendly for once. I saw a doctor recently and felt like I was on trial 😂 He barely acknowledged I existed in the room, never once even made eye contact with me. Hope you guys know your nice demeanor is something patients really appreciate.


Why risk starting a med that causes health issues you don’t have now.


#1, Muscle Pain
#2, Elevated Sugars
#3, Liver Failure
#4, Loss of Memory


Loss of memory. Thank you for the information!


they directly (not side effect) cause rhabdomylosis, diabetes, liver damage, and dimentia. its why you have to get bloodwork done every 3 months while taking them. the warnings tell you to immediately ingorm your physician of any muscle pain, changes in urination, and/or memory issues. oh, yeah they cause heart attacks and strokes. they cause cell death (muscle pain) by interfering with the mevalonate pathway.


If your doctor pushes statins, leave immediately. He will be of no help to you.


I was prescribed a statin and the muscle cramps where horrible. Then was changed to another statin and same thing happened. So now, i dont take anything.


God bless you guys. I lost a loved one to this drug. Tnx for sharing


They are horrible. I would NOT KEEP TAKING THEM. IVE SEEN 3 cases where it ruined a loved one’s health.


Thanks Docs, hope you have a longer one on this! Take care!


Mental illness - low grade depression for 16yr off after doing keto and losing weight! I’m no longer depressed!❤️


My cholesterol was a little high so my cardiologist prescribed me statins. I literally couldn’t walk, I’m only 27. I told my doctor and he said to his nurse right in front of me “take a note that the patient is non compliant and has a risk of heart attack and stroke.” I refused to take them, I haven’t had any heart problems.


Ummmm...I hate to break it to you, but statins can also cause killer headaches and dizziness. That's why I can't take them. Instead, I lowered my cholesterol through diet and exercise (yoga, walking, and strength training). A high green, low fruit smoothie with 1/4 c of flax seeds twice a day, a gallon of water, and a giant salad but no oil, sugar, or animal products took mine from 252 to 149.


Memory issues - I do notice that. IT is like I can’t quite grasp that thought. I go off the statins and it is all back to normal. I am going to try a different statin.


Statins also affect muscles and can cause damage. Changed my diet to vegetarian with consulting my provider no longer on a statin 😊


You two are awesome! Thank you for all the information you gave us.


Cardiologist put me on statins earlier this year. 40mg of crestor . My cholesterol went down fast but my liver enzymes went above normal.
I went back to see Dr after 6 months told him I’m off statins because of liver enzymes.
He wanted to get me back on them again, told me to ignore liver test results. He also got angry when I said I was off the beta blocker too, even though my blood pressure and heart rate are normal.
I told him I’m changing my diet and exercising more but that wasn’t good enough, it’s all hereditary and there’s nothing I can do about it except take the drugs.
He was even prescribing me statins without even checking my current blood work.
I’ve had enough of him I’m finding another doctor.
