Develop a Live Trend-Following Algorithmic Trading Bot for Gold (Python Tutorial)

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​ @MattMacarty
#algotrading #python #tradingbots

How to Code a Trading Bot in Python

Building a Gold Trend Trading Bot with Python, Lumibot and Alpaca: A Step by Step Guide

***This video is for educational purposes only. It should not be construed as investment advice.***

Gold is one of the most popular assets in the financial world, with a rich history of serving as a store of value and a hedge against inflation. However, trading gold can be complex and time-consuming, requiring constant monitoring of market trends and analysis of data.

This example Gold Trend Following Trading Bot is based on the principles of trend following, a popular trading strategy used by professional traders worldwide. Trend following aims to identify and profit from trends in the market by following the direction of the price movement. This video shows you how to implement a moving average cross-over indicator to either buy or short the GLD ETF.
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Thank you for putting so much effort into this


Thank you so much! Amazing content. For the next video, would it be possible to take into account slippage and commissions when backtesting the strategy?


Great video! Can you tell me how to stop the bot/ the run_all function for the Trader? I know there is a function called stop_all, but once I started run_all, it runs forever


Did you take the course that lumiwealth offers? I'm having trouble finding complete or up to date documentation anywhere. I figure the only way to access it is to pay for the self guided course. Wanting documentation on using other brokers and also implementing live cryoto kline data. Things of that nature.


Thank you very much with this tutorial. Would you also do a video on cryptocurrency trading as well?


I do not have a knowledge in trading bots but would like to have my own and stop paying for other people monthly fees.


"You may only succeed if you desire succeeding; you may only fail if you do not mind failing." _Philippos
