Boydinov's Brawlers VS Black Orcs. Total War Warhammer 3

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Boydinov's Brawlers VS Black Orcs. Total War Warhammer 3.
Soundtrack: Witcher 3 - The Song of the Sword-Dancer.

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Interesting that this one was so much closer. This is more what I expected the baseline strelsi to perform like, given they are AP melee with decent stats and black orcs have really low MD for their tier. But I guess the monstrous HP and WS of black orcs carried them then and now.


I mean that was pretty close all things considered. Both units are the exact same price, and one of them is bound to lose. Between a hybrid and a dedicated melee stat stick I'm glad it's the dedicated unit who wins. In an actual battle a unit as slow as the black orcs will never even reach the streltsi as they'd be interecepted by cav and chaff infantry. The point of hybrids is that they're ranged units who take more effort than normal skirmishers to take out. So a basic unit of Ellyrian Reavers aren't going to shut them down the same way they'd shut down basic slingers and archers.


aren't they supposed to have shotgun attacks like the blunderbusses ? or did ca forget to code that


They definetely should buff Strieltsi after introducing Akshina


The new ror celestial archers vs nuln Ironsides


Are you putting the shooting units in melee mode when they get engaged? Because it feels like they’re more interested in trying to shoot rather than fight, I’ve noticed this in all your shooting vs melee match ups, just curious.


They should definitly grant strelsi a good 5 to 10 anti inf bonus now.
They were already not performing well before the patch but now compared to the ambusher at the same price they are really a joke and this RoR really needs its ranged attack damage to be doubled or have a CC effect
