#underconsumptioncore #overconsumption #sustainability #consciousconsumer #ewaste

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I usually love your content, but a broken cable is a safety hazard and should be replaced.


Im sorry but in some cases replacing something is necessary and this is one of these cases because your cord can be a fire hazard since it has exposed wires


Daughter of a firefighter here: my dad has attended fatal house fires caused by cables that people taped up instead of replacing. The intention is brilliant, but you'll end up shocking yourself, or potentially cause a fire- maybe someone has a secondhand one they didn't use too much?


I have to agree with your commenters. It really is pretty dangerous to still use that cord. I have seen them at Walmart for $10-$15. That's not too much of a price to pay to be safe.


I'm usually with you, but definitely not with this. This was the exact cause of a house fire we had 5 years ago. My kids and I barely got out in time, my legs had 3rd degree burns and I'm still wearing pressure garments. I had to carry my at the time 5 year old children, through the entire house, wrapped in a comforter while it burned around us in the night while my husband was at work. We were blessed our pets followed me out. Our dog spent 5 days at the vet from smoke inhalation and the hair on our boy cats tail never grew back.

Please never ever EVER tape broken cords. Trust me, a 68% burned down house is way more of an environmental impact than replacing a cord. Also, human and animal lives can't be replaced. Not to mention guilt from causing a fire. It was my husband's charging cord that started the fire, he has never recovered from the guilt of causing a fire he wasn't even home to help us get out of.


I’m glad the comments have some good sense this time and are not on board with this. It’s not safe and is a huge fire hazard. Replacing things is okay sometimes and no one should feel guilty especially when it’s necessary for safety reasons.


OK but that one could be a legit fire hazard. I understand that it still completes it's function but that could be really bad


I tried fixing a cord my rabbit chewed with electric tape once and it still shocked me. It’s not safe. I understand not wanting to buy new, but sometimes your safety is better that anything else


I hate to agree with everyone else but I did this exact same thing for a charger in my car and it started on fire as I was driving!!


Replace ur charger, friend. House fires have taken the home of my aunt and my great-grandparents


While I was guilty of using electrical tape on my MacBook’s power cord back in college too, this is a temporary fix at best.
- Unless you wrapped it 100% perfectly it can be a fire hazard. Burning your house down is not good for the environment
- unless you 100% wrapped it perfectly & depending on why it’s stripped the chord isn’t lined up properly. That hurts its charging speed & capacity. This at best causes you to use more electricity to charge & at worst hurts your laptop’s battery. If your laptop’s battery starts to swell it is an explosion risk (NEVER EVER USE A SWOLLEN BATTERY!!) & thus another fire hazard but a more dangerous one.

It’s cheaper & better for the environment to get a new chord than a new battery. And burning your house down doesn’t help either.

With that much tape on your cord you are running on luck.

Just get a new cord, girl! And learn how to properly wrap it so it’s less likely to bend & strip in the first place. Part of consuming less is learning how to properly care for what you do have so they last longer.


Hey I love your content, I’d be wary. I did this with my cord and it worked fine for a while but it did at one point shock me a little bit, I’m sure it could have been worse, the tape had a hard time keeping its grip for more than two months at a time. Just be careful & aware however you go forward!


As someone who doesn't throw things away tries to reuse them. As long as I can takes care of the things I own. This is craziness. You're going to set your house on fire.


It’s time to let the charger go… That’s a huge fire hazard


Had to replace my original charger because I could smell it burning. Recycle the charger at best buy and order a replacement - much better than risking a fire or electric shock


Thats not underconsumption. That's a necesarry stuff, you need it and so its a lack of investment


It's sad that there's never a middle ground with the internet. It's wasteful overconsumption to the point of gluttony, and then you have extreme underconsumption where you shame buying new things to the point of putting yourself in danger.
Why can't there be normal consumption? Just, mid-level. Medium. Thoughtful consumption. No extremes.


It's not underconsumption if you create safety hazard and then possible need to replace all your possessions cause this is exactly what causes house fires.


This is not “underconsumption core”, this is a fire hazard. My firefighter husband is just shaking his head.


Sorry, but just buy a charger second hand at an electronic shop! That looks terrible and unsafe.
