What Is Going on Within My Network? a Subtle Introduction to Cilium Hubble - Shedrack Akintayo

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What Is Going on Within My Network? a Subtle Introduction to Cilium Hubble - Shedrack Akintayo, Isovalent

Discover the power of Cilium Hubble in this session dedicated to cloud native observability. I'll introduce you to Hubbe, an open source tool that is transforming the way we observe and understand network traffic in cloud-native systems with the power of eBPF. In this session, we’ll deep dive into Hubble and how Hubble leverages eBPF technology for deep visibility at the kernel level. Key features like real-time monitoring, comprehensive network flow visibility, and security enforcement, crucial for today's cloud-native applications, will be highlighted. The talk includes a straightforward demo, showcasing Hubble's efficiency in understanding and reading your network traffic, and its intuitive interface. Finally, I'll walk you through the initial steps to get started with Cilium Hubble. Whether you're a developer, system administrator, or simply interested in cloud-native technologies, this talk will equip you with the knowledge to use Hubble for enhanced network observability.
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