Nietzsche's Challenge #nietzsche #philosophy #existentialphilosophy

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Can you bare the possibility your life, exactly as it is, may repeat again and again forever? If not, how must you live for this to be the case?
Nietzsche’s answer is as simple as it is radical.
Love all. Love even the unlovable, even suffering. Love your wasted potential. Love limitation, injustice, and frustration. Love the shadows no different than you love light.
As the Buddha taught, such transformation can only come with insight – with awakening.
You must see life is the will actualizing itself. Heraclitus says time is a child at play. You must see you yourself are that will, that child. You must see the beauty and terror of it all. Only then will you know if you are the noble kind of spirit Nietzsche wants. Only then will you know if you are capable of the deepest, bravest form of love.
Nietzsche’s answer is as simple as it is radical.
Love all. Love even the unlovable, even suffering. Love your wasted potential. Love limitation, injustice, and frustration. Love the shadows no different than you love light.
As the Buddha taught, such transformation can only come with insight – with awakening.
You must see life is the will actualizing itself. Heraclitus says time is a child at play. You must see you yourself are that will, that child. You must see the beauty and terror of it all. Only then will you know if you are the noble kind of spirit Nietzsche wants. Only then will you know if you are capable of the deepest, bravest form of love.
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