Build 1,000 AI Influencers - Beginner Course

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How to uncensor - write it in system prompt, add few beginning messages into airtable into each conversation with the content you want to AI to be able to generate, with role assistant, so it's gonna think it already generated those messages, so it will not refuse them anymore. You could also pass some assistant messages into the LLM node in make with the content you want it to be able to write.

BotFather - @BotFather on telegram

Send buttons (buy message options) API body:

"text": "Buy more messages:",
"reply_markup": {
"inline_keyboard": [
"text": "10 Messages",
"callback_data": 10
"text": "50 Messages",
"callback_data": 50
"text": "100 Messages",
"callback_data": 100

Pre_checkout_query answer body:

"pre_checkout_query_id": "YOUR_PRE_CHECKOUT_QUERY_ID_HERE",
"ok": true

I am AI automation developer and software engineer.

0:00 - Demo
1:41 - AI we will use
2:43 - Create Telegram bot
3:05 - Make com setup
13:20 - AI images
36:15 - Save users to Airtable database
43:11 - Buy messages
57:47 - Chat memory
1:18:24 - How to create more bots
1:20:56 - Website
1:30:40 - Instagram autopost
Рекомендации по теме

How to uncensor - write it in system prompt, add few beginning messages into airtable into each conversation with the content you want to AI to be able to generate, with role assistant, so it's gonna think it already generated those messages, so it will not refuse them anymore. You could also pass some assistant messages into the LLM node in make with the content you want it to be able to write.

0:00 - Demo
1:41 - AI we will use
2:43 - Create Telegram bot
3:05 - Make com setup
13:20 - AI images
36:15 - Save users to Airtable database
43:11 - Buy messages
57:47 - Chat memory
1:18:24 - How to create more bots
1:20:56 - Website
1:30:40 - Instagram autopost


Sorry to ask. What are the benefits of joining your school and learning this course.
Can I make a career out of this?
