New Intro! in Cinema 4D and Sony Vegas

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Thumbs up if you like the new intro! Made it myself with Cinema 4d and Sony Vegas 9.
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@HorizonGaming I'm not sure what "much effort" is to you. I got the program and did some of the tuts on youtube. Then added little inspiration. I'm actually re-working the lighting a little. New render werking now on my desktop. We'll see how it looks in about 9 hours.


@GAM3VIDZ sry, lol. Only been using C4d for a couple days. I played with the sky a bit. Seems to be too much light. I'm rendering again today with infinite lights focused more strategically and using the "exclude" command to take out some of the reflection. I'll post the intro again tonight if it's looking better.


@GAM3VIDZ won't be able to see anything without light, right? i'm werkin on refining the lighting though. i agree with you there.
