Why is NASA still using so much expendable (AND EXPENSIVE) garbage? (HEAD FOR COVER, NORTHROP!!)

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I have yet to talk about Northrop and their Cygnus/Antares combination. Is that because they aren't wasteful? It's kinda the opposite...

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The numbers Northrop doesn't want you to see...

The horrid news from NASA about Artemis
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There's a reason why we have this wasteful spending: it's call corporate lobbying. Northrop and Boeing as well as Lockheed have gotten extremely good at bribing congressmen and women to award contracts their way.


NASA is required to spend in accordance with the way Congress allocates funding. In this nation tax money is spent as the lobbying industry decides it should be spent. After all Congress depends on the money the bribe paying class sends its way.
Changing the funding mechanism would increase efficiency. Everyone knows this but bribe money is more important than efficiency.


One of Angry's best videos ever. He's at his best when he goes after the military (and nasa)-industrial complex. We're all big boys here, we all know why all the major defense contractors get such sweet-heart contracts. $$$


I would love to see a Snickers Commercial.. With Angry Ranting on... and then Elon comes along.. gives him a Snickers and Angry turns into Everyday Astronaut :)


It’s time for we the people to take the “BULL BY THE HORNS” We need to do a National to the Moon Fundraiser for SpaceX and go right around NASA 👍


One other reason to keep Cygnus flying is that it's the only U.S. spacecraft that can re-boost the ISS - but that's yet another job that Dream Chaser could take off its hands.


Because they have an endless supply of other peoples money


They want to stay with expendable rockets because it's the easy way out. Doing what SpaceX is doing requires a lot of thinking and a lot of effort.


The fundamental problem is using cost-plus, time & materials contracts.


You make videos faster than I can watch them. You basically make a quality half hour or hour long show multiple times a week. Your a beast.


On a slight benefit to NASA, a lot of missions have been set 4+ years ago. Attributed much to budget, congress, and other contractual obligations


Even though it is probably not allowed, I feel NASA should make SpaceX a primary service provider, and set higher benchmark expectations for other providers to get a chance.


You're the only Space youtuber i know talking about these issues. Thank you from Europe 🇪🇺 ! PS: Russia used to charge 60millions per seat so we know it cost them less than 180millions total. (The perks of having a nationalized industrial complex)


Angry, if you were going to get a job at Northrup after being a manager at NASA at $2M a year, what would you do?
Too few chose, Duty, Honor, Country.


For being a diverse, environmentally conscious, woke, organization, it boggles the mind NASA hasn't pushed for 100% reusability.


Until AA gets the distances between his pictures equaled out... I urge all of you ...to STAY ANGRY... about spacing!


i am still amazed that none of the other U.S. rocket launchers are developing a reusable rocket system. its like everybody saw the wright brothers fly and then deciding its not worth it


Crazy the price difference but also the payload capacity. 1 flight 8 ton at 450 mil or 66 tons and 3 flights for 450 million. Unreal


One of the things that keep NASA and its contractors doing the same old thing is that those entities have lost the ability for original thinking. AND their risk aversion keeps them from innovation. I spent a couple of years with one of their contractors and I was really saddened and disappointed that the old, scrappy NASA was long gone. At least that is the case for human spaceflight NASA....those folks doing planetary exploration via robot exploration almost seem like a totally different group. And, like you, I'm angry.


To drastically reduce the prices per Ton to LEO, you don't only need to use fully reusable rockets, you still need to reduce the costs of support infraestruture at the launch site. And due to that, you wont see prices reduce massively in next decades. A tip of that, are the prices charged to NASA in contracts by SpaceX, that are going up, not down.
