Glass 2019 Review & Why the audience is the problem and not the film

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Glass 2019 Review. It doesn't matter what the movie is, every writer and director hurts when their film is not well received, but it hurts even more when you expect for audiences to respond to your movie in raving praise and the opposite happens. But could it be the problem with glass is not the movie but the audience? Let's get into it!

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Have you seen Glass? What are your thoughts and what do you think about my theory as to why a lot of people don't like the film?


Great video Al, I see many of your points. This one had a lot of good, but also had some layers it didnt need. Well done bud!


Consider my faith rewarded! The mighty Shyamalan has concluded his
Eastrail 177 trilogy properly, Ladies and Gents. I just recently
experienced Glass in IMAX, and it brings me beaming pleasure to report
that the film is an astounding triumph. Despite a mixed critical
reception, Glass unquestionably lived up to the superb quality of
Unbreakable and Split. Please support M. Night this January with your
ticket purchase and prepare to feast those peepers on a runaway swing
for the fences that doesn't miss its intended mark. Take heed and
"rejoice" at the altar of M. Night Shyamalan's career-defining stroke of


I Liked the movie as a whole. However, the trailers didn't leave much to the imagination since I could tell how the flow of the movie was going to be. Although the ending was surprising. I would have liked a bit more of a hint if there will be another movie.


Man can't wait for Into the bad lands come on guys let us know something


Probably Black Panther and Django unchained. The make up I was very disappointed with and wish the movie focus more on Samuel Jackson interaction with the McAvoy by showing how he was manipulating all his different personalities.


It a bad carpenter who blames his tools. The movie is pace slow and when you expect a taco and get a burger you are a little disappointed.


So why is the Audience the problem and not the movie?
The storyline was not fleshed out to its full potential.
The effects were noticeable.
That makeup was HORRIFIC. This is 2019! Who does special effects makeup from the 80's
The way they died🤦🏽‍♂️. In a puddle of water? One little shot to the stomach. And a squeeze of the shoulder😐
Crumb could have gotten out that room by just covering his face with a pillow so he wouldn't see the light. A lot of it just didnt make sense.
Sometimes its in the details, the small things that make the whole palatable. I went into this movie with the expectations of being entertained and nothing else and most of us were disappointed.
