Foods the UK Does Better Than Any Other Country | American Reacts

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As an American I am really curious about what the best foods are in the UK. Today I am really interested in hearing about what food the UK does the very best in the world. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!
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Apple Pie is a British dish that America appropriated.


If you don't think of Britain when you think of cheese, then you've clearly never heard of Wallace & Grommet. 😂


Something you need to learn about Brit's. So, we do some things well, and some things not so well. No bragging or shame. We just DO what we do.


A fun bacon thought: There are 5 big bacon places in the world: Denmark, Germany, Poland, UK, USA
Of those the USA is the odd one out, because it is the only one that has made the legal definition of bacon to be belly cuts only. Which deprives them of the joy of succulent bacon.
All the other places define bacon as cut from the belly AND the loin, which is much more sensible as it allows you to pick which part you want.

This makes the USA legally wrong about bacon.


We have over 270 different types of cheese. Most of it is wonderful and I miss them when out of the country. All those cheese are real.


Ales. Pies. Apples. Ciders. Pears. Perries. Mead. Raspberries, Tayberries, Loganberries, Mulberries, Snowberries. Lingonberries. Blaeberries, whortleberries, bilberries, barberries. Gooseberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, whitecurrants. Chequers, haws, sloes, juniper. Mustard. Garlic. Saffron.


Pudding is just a British word for dessert, or as we call it in my area 'afters' as in after dinner.


Hi Tyler, when I go to a pub, I sometimes will ask for a plate of cheeses and a selection of crisps.
I wash it down with a local cider.
That's most usually in summer time when I can sit out in the pub garden.


UK, France, Italy, Netherlands and Swiss are the top 5 Cheesey bois.


We have so-called American bacon in England where it is called 'streaky' bacon.


Rice pudding can be baked or cooked in a pan on the stove top..


For a variety of British cheese types, see the Monty Python sketch "The Cheese Shop".


The term pudding in the UK comes from a number of sources. Pudding can be an alternate word for dessert. It can mean a sausage. Also it can mean something fatty or soft. That's where the confusion comes from the word doesn't mean one thing like it does in the US.


Roly Poly we in Sweden call it Rulltårta translats to Rolling Cake


"Fries" exists in the UK, but the name is excluvily for American thin cut rather than the British chip which is always much thicker than a fry that you'll get from an American fast food joint. They're pretty much treated as two different things here simply because there's a difference between American fries and British chips, American fries are typically thinner, and the potatoes have more than likely been frozen so that they can be stored for longer, whilst British chips are thicker, plumper, and depending on how good the chip shop owner is, can make the potato inside soft and fluffy with a crisp outside, the absolute best example of a British chip. Though in fairness as Chip Shops are mostly run by families and not by a corporation that expects uniformity, you will find chippies that'll give you bad soggy chips. So if you're looking for a chippy in the UK, be sure to ask around to see what people's favourite fish and chip shop is and look at google reviews.


Where cheese is concerned there is matching the type of cheese to the type of biscuit or cracker. Stilton cheese for example tastes very different on a sweet oaty biscuit than it does on a plain wheat biscuit.

Apple pie may be a British invention, there are recipes from the 14th century (1300s). The king of the apple pie is the Bramley apple. From Wiki: The first Bramley's Seedling tree grew from pips (not in Wiki, I believe they came from New Zealand or somewhere near by) planted by Mary Ann Brailsford in her garden when she was a young girl in Southwell, Nottinghamshire, UK in 1809. Mary left the house when she married and possibly never saw the apples that were produced. She died in 1852 never knowing that "her" seedling was to become famous.[6]. The Bramley is almost exclusively a British variety; however, it is also grown in Ireland. Bramleys are produced by a few United States farms, [9] and can be found in Canada, Australia[10] and Japan.[11].

I think favourite foods come from your childhood memories and are what you become used to over the decades. I've only ever been to three other countries from the UK, so I really don't have that much to compare British food to. You talked about British curries, but they probably don't taste like the equivalent curry in India. Ditto Spaghetti Bolognaise or paella etc


!0:18 Apple pie? Nope. British invention, then taken by the US


The UK has significantly less cheese variety than it used to. Many types of cheese were lost forever because of WW2 and rationing. I think not a lot of people are aware of that, so that's my interesting fact for the day :)


Full English Breakfast? Usually, weekends only, when you have time to prepare it. OR, a treat if someone else is doing the work. Hotels etc.


After 2 years away and the last 6 months backpacking through SE Asia... I was dying for cheese that was not plastic. Full english breakfast.... Pies/puddings.... proper chips and mushy peas.... first night back my sister-in-law cooked - very bland chile con carne - I just wanted to weep. The word pudding seems to originally come from a latin/french word that actually meant "small sausage" - ie black pudding. It has also just come to mean "dessert".
