6. Selenium Grid 4 using Docker- Grid Setup using Kubernetes

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Kubernetes with Selenium Grid4

minikube is local Kubernetes, focusing on making it easy to learn and develop for Kubernetes.

1. Download minikube related exe file
3. Add it on Env Variables.
4. in cmd minikube start

-- Chrome Node
Hub --- Kubernetes Service
-- FF Node

A pod is the smallest unit of Kubernetes used to house one or more containers and run applications in a cluster, each pod has unique IP.
A deployment is responsible for keeping a set of pods running.
A service is responsible for enabling network access to a set of pods.
A Replication Controller ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one time.

minikube service --url hub-service

kubectl delete rc --all
kubectl delete pods --all
Delete deployment to delete hub related pod as it will come up otherwise.
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Hey, your videos helped me a lot...
But i have a question now...
I have a c# with selenium solution that already redirects and based on the browser i choose in the app setings.json file it goes to the respective node. But now I want to create a node everytime I run a collection. For example... If i run the Collection for the login tests, it will create me a node and after the execution, it shut down the node. Should i use kubernets as well? Do you have any other approach? Im running the selenium grid 4 in a ubuntu server 24.0'4 with hub 4.21, chrome node 125.0, edge 125.0 as well


Hi, I have one question: how do I access this setup from another machine? How to get acces to selenium grid from another machine to run tests from there ?
