This Will Save Your Life if You Can’t Speak Out

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You can do this with 911 as well just ring them and stay silent they’ll send police.


Some kid accidentally called 911 on their Apple Watch during lunch the call lasted 23 seconds police showed up with nothing being said…


This is good to know! Thank you! Hope more people see this so they know!


If ur in the USA call 911 if in a emergency.


i usually hate on these ppl but this dude looks lowkey chill


Sorry to disappoint but the number reads 999 not 911, so this is a British edition. This may be helpful because American police may not know what that means


Praying for anyone going through tough times❤


Called the police about a fight between my dad and a stranger
He dropped the call (call made 7:30pm), and the cops showed at 3AM and woke me up


Since this worked for my friend being kidnapped I will subscribe and send money when I can


Called 999 once in the Uk for a good 10 seconds and police still showd up, they usually do


Nah cuz I thought it said “TELL them you can’t speak” 💀


This is true, my baby brother used to play around with my mom’s phone before he could speak and kept unintentionally calling 911, police showed up at our door. If you’re in need of help do that


Me chocking trying to remember what to press:👁️👄👁️


Guys I tried it and it worked but note to self don’t do this if your not actually in an emergency..


Just like I heard you can text 911 if you need help. I did it because I couldn’t call in front of the person I was calling on. I got an automated text response saying if I’m having a problem call 911. 🙁


YES thank you I wish I had this a long time ago.


If you go tot he power off screen for a certain amount of seconds it will automatically call 911, I didn’t know this and I accidentally called 911 when trying to turn it off before PE in the locker room, I was in a rush since I was the last one and just threw it in my bag thinking I swiped and in the way out I heard an alarm and my PE coach came RUNNING like she knew what the alarm was meant for and she told me and I freaked out and hung up and she made me call them back and she explained it was an accident and gave her full amen and everything and the cops still came sprinting to the gym to double check I was held hostage or sum. So embarrassing cause everyone was looking and the coach pointed to me when they asked who the student who called was and they pulled me aside and asked me questions and stuff and that was it but I got teased about it for the rest of the school year…😬😬😬


Imma clear a few things up: yes this does work, if you can’t speak call 999 and if you can’t put the phone to your ear do 5-5 in 7-15 sec intervals. They will notify police that you suggested you’re being held against your will.

Someone in the comments said just call 911 and they’ll come, that’s not true. If you call 911 and there’s dead silence they will track you if possible but the further cell towers are apart from each other the trickier it becomes. Because if you’re too close your location will often bounce within a 6 mile radius of where you are. And if you’re too far away then the location may not show up at all. Meaning they have to wait for verbal confirmation that you can’t give.

Lastly this is mostly speculative every situation is different blah blah blah, adjust your technique accordingly.

Post Scriptum, if you’re a man being abused by a woman and she’s not 3 times your size. The police will probably not believe you, your family probably won’t help you and there isn’t many supports for men.
So I’ll say this. 1. Try to get out ASAP 2. If there’s children involved, it might seem like a bad idea… but you’re safety comes first, unless she’s extremely aggressive and violent the kids can wait until you can have her safely removed from the house by police.
3. Contrary to what feminists say, out of the 20% that do grape half of those are women. But women often don’t get convicted because “how could a woman grape a man” (JUST FYI, guys can get hard based on physical touch even if it’s unwanted, they also get morning wood and can wake up to the girl on top) if you were or are a man who was graped (by a genetic female) don’t feel alone there’s 1000’s of men who experienced that 1 particular type of SA and 10’s of thousands of men have been SA’d in general by men and women and their trans variants.

In case you’re one salty MF, who’s wondering why I only represented men in this case… it’s simple really. The law in countries with SA laws often regards both sex’s. But often only applies to women and trans women. And sometimes trans men as well because of the anatomy. But phallic endowed men are often mistreated in these cases and the script can be flipped around mid trial (despite lack of evidence) to make them the abuser instead of the victim like they are. Even a man who can bench press 2100 lbs isn’t safe. He can still be SA’d (Moe lester’d/Graped) if he hits back he’s the abuser in two cases (assault and battery/SA) if he doesn’t he’s could be falsely accused of SA (because it’s his DNA inside the girl not vice versa…)

All SA and DV victims should be accepted, acknowledged and protected, At least temporarily.
The abusers should be prosecuted, punished and convicted to community service. Feminism fight for equal rights… I dare say the rights aren’t equalized.


This might have actually saved someone’s life


90% of comments are just “ooh im american we do 911” when they arent appreciating the tip
