Python Tutorial for Beginners - Crash Course 2020 | Build a Game with Python

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Learn Python from scratch by building a game in this beginner's course - no prior knowledge is required in this Python tutorial!


Project Structure: 00:51
Topics Covered: 03:08
Getting Started: 04:44
Variables: 06:00
Data Types: 07:10
print(): 09:43
Lists: 11:45
type(): 13:10
Dictionaries: 16:28
input(): 21:42
IF Statements: 22:35
WHILE Loops: 32:38
Booleans: 33:54
Operators: 37:10
pass: 41:00
String Concatenation: 55:20
Imports: 01:08:50
randint(): 01:11:05
Functions: 01:15:05
return: 01:19:50
Arguments & Parameters: 01:21:29
f-strings: 01:29:40
append(): 01:38:40
FOR Loops: 01:44:10


#python #pythonprogramming #pythonprogrammingforbeginners


• Follow @maxedapps and @academind_real on Twitter

See you in the videos!


Рекомендации по теме

A little helper for you hopefully:

Project Structure: 00:51
Topics Covered: 03:08
Getting Started: 04:44
Variables: 06:00
Data Types: 07:10
print(): 09:43
Lists: 11:45
type(): 13:10
Dictionaries: 16:28
input(): 21:42
IF Statements: 22:35
WHILE Loops: 32:38
Booleans: 33:54
Operators: 37:10
pass: 41:00
String Concatenation: 55:20
Imports: 01:08:50
randint(): 01:11:05
Functions: 01:15:05
return: 01:19:50
Arguments & Parameters: 01:21:29
f-strings: 01:29:40
append(): 01:38:40
FOR Loops: 01:44:10


This "2hours" is more interesting than a "suspense thriller" movie.


That was such a nice tutorial, starting with a game is a lot more intresting and makes it easier to follow the logic

I added a couple features to make the game more intresting but mainly to see if I understood the concepts correctly. If anyone is like me and just strarting to learn python with this video I suggest you try to add them too, just to make sure you can modify the code without guided step by step explanations. These features are all quite easy to add

1) I changed the game so that you progress by killing has many monsters as possible (instead of just a 1v1 fight) the run only reset when you get killed but when you are the one killing a monster the run continues

2) When player wins a fight the next monster gets stronger (In my case I just gave him more health but do what ever you want)

3) Added a max number of heals per fight for the player so that he can't keep healing himself every turn

4) I made the player's attack random too but the range is quite small (just to make sure I could do this random thing without the tutoriel)

5) Added a special attack that deals twice the damage but you can't use it right away. It only get's recharge once you kill a monster within 12 turns if you take too long the run continues but you don't get a special attack for your next fight

6) Added the option to type "info" to get the information of how many monsters you killed so far in the current run just in case you lose track

When I'll have time i'll try to add xp when you defeat monsters to enhance the idea of progression

Really great video I wish I could find tutorials of such quality for C or C++


I've been reviewing beginner Python tutorials for a few hours now. This one is fantastic! Great video.


Lol, I just spent like 10mins trying to figure out why I was getting a syntax error only to discover a missing = in a variable definition.


Thank you for the tutorial :)

video_length = 'The video is ' + str(113) + ' minutes long:'

print('1) Watch at normal Speed')
print('2) Watch at x2 Speed')

video_speed_choice = input()

if video_speed_choice == '2':
print('extra stonks')
if video_speed_choice == '1':
print('not stonks')
print('Invalid input')


One of the best tutorials I've found, I've been wanting to start learning to code little games as a hobby and wanting to start off with a simple rolling the dice gambling game, you just gave me the entire basis plus some to start my own little project, keep this stuff up!


Amazing tutorial. I felt through the tutorial that the way to improve the game was to change the monsters name to something like Sauron or Morgoth or something 😂😂😂

Really loved this approach!! Best


Man your video is awesome. I'm a new beginner and I was so bored learning random tutorials that lead nowhere. This is really refreshing and so easy to understand!! I love how you explain things and build on them slowly then move towards a more useful logical approach!


Was bashing my head in trying to learn python with books and by trying to be so generalised they dont use any examples that feel real enough. I'm finally feeling like not bashing my head against a brick wall anymore because i see what purpose which line has. Thanks a lot!


Ow man!!!! Thank you so much for this video!!! I never thought in a game logic. And you made a simple one that was easy to understand the basic concept. Also you gave me an idea. I will do this using an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi. Or even an ESP32 so I can use servo motors and LEDs to make the game more “real”. You know what I mean??? Once again, thank you so much for this simple but amazing valuable video!!!


Thank you, for the video. I learned more python in this two-hour video than I have during a month and 1/2 of college. Good job I can't wait to see more.


Int works in the following case:

player_choice = input()

if player_choice == 1:
elif player_choice == 2:
print('Heal player')
print('Invalid Input')


50:00, just remembering my time for tommorow!


This is one of the best programs I have ever done. It was really simple to follow and the way he explained each step was easy to understand.

I have also added 2 more things:

themselves more than once -once the limit has been reached- it will not increase.


Good video, very informative!
But small improvement, of the code.
Whenever a player retrieves the previous results, the round count continues to count up! That means if a player would access the results 20 times, he would be in round 20.


You know, you don't have to use the "+" or the "str(player['health'])", all you have to do is put a ", " and BAM you're not adding a string to a integer value! Just a heads up for you guys, also the ", " makes a space so you don't have to type spaces before and after every string!


Hi. Just start watching your video. And it seems to me exactly what I was looking for. I love that you started with logic and then showing what type of data is the most convenient and why, instead of going directly to dictionaries. That seems exceptional. In general the tutorials I see are always showing: This is this, this is that, this is called that, etc. and then they put examples out of context, and they aren't even useful for use. (I do not speak English)


Hi! I'm new to Python programming thanks for your tutorial. Wish u have some more Python tuts your explanation is so fluid and understandable.


I love the way u teach plz do a series like this
