This Is Not A Gear Review

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Over these last few days I've been on a bit of a journey - to discover that I don't just want to review gear in the traditional sense. I have personally found that I enjoy talking about it in a different way... not the 'what' or the 'how' but rather the 'why.

A piece of gear is a tool to get us somewhere musically. And sometimes I forget that, and it becomes all about the piece of gear itself. In this video I use the example of the Chase Bliss Preamp Mk2 Automatone - it is a fantastic pedal - as an example of a piece of intriguing gear that is maybe not the right piece for all of us.

I hope you enjoy the new direction which I intend to take the channel in.

Thanks for watching

Follow me on Insta @james_on_guitar

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Edit: just want to add, I am not intending to say that the way I see things is right, and others are wrong. I will still enjoy gear and just tinkering and having fun that way and it is all part of the fun of the journey of guitar. I will no doubt revert back and forth between wanting to make very gear related videos and not wanting to, and it is difficult as consistency is expected on youtube, but that isn’t real and hopefully people see that it is ok to go from being in a creative state of mind and then to a more gear and ‘lost in the process’ frame of mind. We all spend some time in both parts.
Also, sorry - a little indulgent posting 3x in 3 days! That’s just how this week went... and I’m not wise enough to save a video in hand 🤔 hope you enjoy and have a good weekend!


Personally, I like watching your videos for the cool gear, although I know I won’t be buying most of what I see, hearing the various sounds but also just enjoy hearing others opinions whom have the same passion as I do (guitar and music). I love the channel and look forward to new videos as they come out! Keep it up in whatever format inspires you James, I’ll keep watching!


Theres a saying that goes something like ~ You wont know what the right amount of something is until you have had too much and too little. ~ Looks like your dialing it in James. Cheers.!


Midi is overwhelming at first but after watching a few you tube videos, it's intuitive. Get a boss es5 or 8 or other pedal switcher, you'll use midi. So much nicer to program your pedal and or amp switches to one button. No more tap dancing.


Asking “why” isn’t a bad path to take. It also help to focus on your fundamentals. It’s like “what gear” without asking a specific brand or model but instead what purpose the gear has to fit for your need and goals. Believe it or not but I did exactly that to determinate my “list” of gear I need to purchase. It’s not specifically because of the gear and what it can do, but mainly what it can do for me. I know it’s hard to explain by text. That’s something it would go easier in video, maybe around a cup of coffee ;)


New subscriber, thanks for the video. I had a bit of a similar epiphany this year. Singers don’t think too much about their ‘tone’. They think about dynamics, vocabulary and melody. A lot of guitarists (me included) overly focus on ‘tone’. SRV sounds like SRV because of his note choice (vocabulary), his phrasing (melody) & his heavy attack (dynamics). I sold 95% of my gear last month & I honestly don’t miss it. 100% agree being self disciplined & studying is far harder than buying the latest piece of gear!


I will continue to enjoy your journey along with you. I think it follows your line of thinking that my favourite video you have done so far is "Back To Basics 3". A Broadcaster, a Suhr combo amp, and some tasteful overdrive and tremolo. That is neither the first guitar I would want you to pick up or the first amp I would want you to use, but it inspired you and produced great tone and MUSIC.


Man your so right it's so easy to get lost in the gear world and at that point growing as a musician is tough I've been there I'm excited to see where the channel goes next mate!


Hi James very interesting and weird channel. I don´t know where are you going ... but it´s different. All this fancy gear bought like a lottery winner and coming for cooking to guitar like a crazy movement ... I can´t buy all the gear that I wish so I have to redifine my thoughts to something more realistic and that is why I am a plug and play direct my guitar in the amp, being simple because I don´t want to lose myself in the wishes and toys that only would make suffer because I can´t get it. The blues was created by poor people, slaves working in the fields and their guitars weren´t Martin and PRS and I try to remember that everyday in my actions. I watch you channel for the last months and was like; what is this guy about? buy everything so fast and almost take the guitar again after not playing for years ... another pedal? two Two Rocks, How many rocks are? Almost a mountain Another guitar? wow this guy is avoiding the cocaine buying stuff but spending the same money...Great Channel keep going James 😊😊


You’ve answered my question on the automatone. I thought it could simplify my rig but I know for certain it was just complicate things and I’d be twiddling endlessly. One of the reasons I’ve been watching your channel is that you have a lot of the gear that I have considered myself and I think the sounds you’re after are similar to what I’m searching for. Good luck with whichever way you decide to continue with your channel but I would also be interested to see or hear about other things/material that you stumble across on your guitar learning journey, not just gear.


First video I’ve watched of yours, now I’m a new subscriber. I have a modeler, midi controllers, and a wall of pedals. I’m picking up an amp tomorrow with the plan of basic pedals into it. Less knob twisting to “dial in” a better sound. Just play, and enjoy. I’m on this journey with you.


James, I had already subscribed to your channel after your previous "I simplified my guitar rig..." video so no chance of losing me because of this one: I look forward to more music coming from you and me... As soon as I get my custom SRV strat and Tubescreamer that is


Absolutely LOVE your honesty Bruv and I’m right there with on the ‘WHY’ as opposed to the ‘how’!
I too have the CB-P Mk2 and have wrestled with feeling like I need to go back to school to 🤬 appreciate it! I bought it initially because it has the name ‘Benson’ in it and I’m a big fan of those PreAmp pedals but that’s just it, I’m a fan of their direct simplicity and I find that the pedal in question is a contradiction of that.
I will be selling asap and going back to a singular drive.

Keep up the great work. I love your humility and insight.

-Seal, (recording artist known as)



Following. Refreshing vid man. As a midi freak I jump on all this stuff. I’ve often asked myself, is this me simply avoiding practice, or is this really me searching for better ways to get to my sound, and more importantly to get back to it! . I think the answer lays in the middle .


wow!! You hit the nail on the head!! Totally feeling this! YES!! ~cheers


Thanks for your honesty. It’s refreshing.


Looks like you're at a point in your life where your trying to find your track in the musical world. Somehow I find interesting your approach on the videos. Looking forward for the next ones. Subscribed :)


On the ball James, well said. My only advice, from personal experience, would be to find a guitar teacher that you connect with. Thats not meant as a slight but something I found more useful than all of the amps I have 😂


Couldn’t agree more man, and excited to see the new direction :)


Yep. My kind of video. Thank you. I always think that same pianist analogy too.

I think your experience of getting back into guitar, falling into GAS traps, trying to find the right theory etc etc all of that makes for much more interesting and rewarding content. You should view your relatively recent return to guitar not as a hindrance but as a usp that other channels don't have. The everyday guitarist for everyday guitarists. Very interesting and not like a sports channel!!
