Drs. Yuichi Suzuki & Hyenjeong Jeong: Neural foundations of explicit and implicit knowledge

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This video features Dr. Drs. Yuichi Suzuki & Hyenjeong Jeong’s talk, "The neural foundations of explicit and implicit knowledge: Comparing elicited imitation and word-monitoring tasks" presented at the LSLARF Symposium (2019).

Please see their most recent article for further analyses and findings (open access):

About Us:
Funded by ESRC Japan-UK Connection Grant (ES/S013024/1), our team organized a series of international and interdisciplinary symposia in Japan and the UK featuring a range of world-renowned scholars from education, linguistics, and neuroscience. Please visit the channel description to learn more about our intellectual commitments and our team.

PI Kazuya Saito (UCL, Education)
CI Adam Tierney (Birkbeck, University of London, Neuroscience)
CI Andrea Revesz (UCL, Education)

CI Motoaki Sugiura (Tohoku University, Neuroscience)
CI Hyeonjeong Jeong (Tohoku University, Neuroscience)
CI Yuichi Suzuki (Kanagawa University, Education)

Research Assistant/Special Support Member
Masaru Yamamoto (University of British Columbia, Education)

What an incredible presentation! So much insightful knowledge.

It appears that accurate measurements of implicit knowledge requires more advanced brain scanning technology, likely more discrete in order to have participants relax to access their implicit knowledge
