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The music industry destroyed itself decades ago. 😒


The people who are making original sounding music and pouring out their souls will be fine. The people who can play really, really well and like to perform will be OK. The people who crank out music by combining pre-made loops and pre-programmed synth tracks are going to be in big trouble.


AI can make as much music as it wants, but it will never stop me from enjoying the feeling I get while playing a guitar (badly). The drive in our souls to create music will never leave us, no matter how good the algorithm gets.


The ai is just doing what the music industry has been doing since the last 20 to 30 years. Using proven quality and copping it till nobody can hear it anymore 😂


I'm quite relieved to see that others also write something so random in the song description field. I always do the same, so it's nice to know I'm not the only one. Writing prompts feels very weird - grew up knowing that making and creating music was my way of dealing with life and emotions—something a text prompt can not really replace.


3 problems: 
1. The way technology is applied to solve "problems"
2. The lack of knowledge, motivation and leadership from government to build policy that keeps up with technology.
3. Greed


I've listened to a good bit of AI generated music out of curiosity (know thy enemy and all that) and the biggest hurdles AI can't seem to get over yet are (1) Repeating itself too much (2) Not repeating itself enough and (3) pooping its pants


This has already changed a bit with people streaming playlists without knowing who they are listening to, but I think ultimately people will always be interested in knowing who the artist is, what’s his/her background in music, process, where he creates his music, influences, what matters to him in life.

Artists that succeed focus as much on their identity than their art.

That’s only one aspect that differs human from AI, and I’m struggling seeing how AI could be equivalent to a human on this matter. I’m not interested in knowing more robots and people typing a sentence to write a track.


I think the real trouble for us doing mixing and mastering is gonna start pretty soon. There will be simple AI tools where you drop in your raw tracks, give it some prompts and reference songs, and in seconds the generative AI, or whatever, will shape those sounds into a great sounding mix. And yes... I think it will be able to replicate the emotions and everything else we put into our mix, that we now think only a human can do.


Just as consultants homogenised everything outside the creative industries many years ago with their same old business solutions, art is now being downgraded to a trivial commodity. However, as AI only learns what it has been fed, the standstill will set in tomorrow. We are therefore not entering the age of artificial intelligence, but the age of ubiquitous nonsense and forever yesterday.


It's all very well the majors suing these AI sites for copyright infringement, but don't kid yourself they’re doing it for altruistic reasons; it's becuase they want to control the market themselves.


''Creative AI tools can be seen as sophisticated plagiarism software, as they do not produce genuinely original content but rather emulate and modify existing works by artist, subtly enough to circumvent copyright laws" - Chat GPT, 2024


AI is a tool, just as any other tools for songwriters and producers. If you learn to use the tool you can benefit from that. If you do not learn to use the tool you might be caught up with time. Just the same with analog recording (or photography) vs digital. It is good if you are able to do both of them.


I use it as a writing tool, how ever, I just got pushed a full AI generated song, & couldn’t tell if it was an authentic artist or not. That’s how I got here.


Apart from the stupid lyrics, the music is better than the Billboard top twenty.


What it means to be a creative individual is rapidly becoming irrelevant when it concerns one's creative expression within society. And the ability to convince others of one's authentic creativity will become difficult. AI is effectively a tool of plagiarism in virtually every discipline including the arts, literature, and science. The "Music Industry" itself has been crap for decades, so no love lost there.


I don't think that the people defending AI music really get it.
Spotify for example doesn't pay individually - it pays from the pool of all music (for tracks that hit more than 1000 streams)
Whereas before maybe 100, 000 tracks were released each day now with AI music it's already at over a million tracks a day and counting - when this gets more popular it could be 10s of millions of tracks per day. When it was already extremely difficult to be discovered regardless of how good the music was, now musicians have to deal with an absolute barrage of quickly made no effort required artificially made music, that most people cannot tell the difference between something actually made which took days, even weeks to produce.
With Suno you can release almost 100 tracks per day onto DSP's, with just one account, with Udio over twice that amount.
If you say you don't care that's fine, but to say it won't affect artists that are good enough is just plain wrong. The ones it won't affect are the Taylor Swifts of this world.


The best job in the music industry is being a busker, best paid too


The premise that AI music is only going to take over commercials and sync Is the logical fallacy I’ve seen in other industries. That emotion and real human input will carry the day.

This is a naïve take. If it can take over background music, it can take over foreground music period. It’s that simple.


After trying Suno for a bit I can honestly say many of the results don't actually sound worse, more artificial, than what mainstream producers spit out nowadays.
It's actually hard for me, in almost every genre, to distinguish between many of the artists... That being said, AI could, in a way, maybe it's a blessing because the artists that make "more of the same" will not have a job anymore and the artists that actually make something that no one else can do will be the ones who thrive.
