It's Over!

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It's the end of the line for our truck camper! We've sold it so that we can buckle down on the homesteads and focus on self reliance without distraction, at least for the foreseeable future.
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My mission on this channel is to help YOU and your family live your dream life so you can become more self reliant, happy, fulfilled and prepared for challenging times.
You can expect to hear more about the way I live, how I got into massive debt, how I got out of it, what drove me to live the outdoor lifestyle and how I'm more prepared than ever to weather the storms of 2024 and beyond. I answer your questions, I interview people who are living unconventional lives, I try to inspire and motivate you to pursue the life of your dreams, I give you the tips I used to live my dream life and I reflect on my own life - past, present and future.

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Bracebridge, ON P1L 2E2
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The one thing I love about your channels is knowing Cali had the most awesome life ever as a dog, let alone a GR. Makes my heart smile.


Your living the vacation - Hunting, Fishing, Archery, Wildlife photography, Cabin life, Homesteading is hard work but as soon as you put the tools down, you're there. 👍


The problem with AG1 and other supplements out there is that they are too expensive for every day Americans fighting tooth and nail just to survive the economic crunch inflation has imposed upon us. I just don't understand why companies who are supposedly trying to help people feel the need to overcharge everyone. $79 per month - per person is way too much. Love your videos Shawn.


You have to prepare for all the possibilities, i remember when my dad worked 2 jobs most of his life after coming home from the war, we never went on vacations, He said that wasn't an option for our family, working hard was always first priority. God Bless!


When I retired I made my home the last vacation spot. I sit out on my back deck and say..I'm camping now!


I so admire you & your family . I did not want this video to end, but this 75 year old Virginia granny needs to get back to stacking firewood . Meanwhile my 82 year old hubby is busy splitting it ! We have 100 laying hens, so we know what's it's like to be saddled to your homestead . May THE LORD continue to bless everything you put your minds, hearts & hands to .


Your videos used to have a different feel to them and I miss that.


My father was in the US Navy. We lived in Argentia, Newfoundland. The beauty of the coast and surrounding area was amazing. I still miss watching the icebergs drift by in the spring.


I have been traveling for work and pleasure in Atlantic Canada for years. There are so many reasons to love it there. The people of course are wonderful and you showed some of the beautiful places. I love Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. I've never been to Labrador but it looks amazing as well! I'm glad you are setting a good example for those of us who are willing and able to learn. Good to see Cabin II


What an absolute stunning video..
Just loved the travel in Nova Scotia.. I felt so drawn to the beautiful.. it appealed to me as a peaceful, safe place..


Interrupt the Intro? She is the Star of the Show 🥰😉


Cali is so sweet...she reminds me constantly of the Golden I had....Charlie Brown...he was 120lb of love and affection....and he was POSITIVE that he was a lap dog....get ready I come!!! Beautiful views...reminds me of our own visit to Nova Scotia and then on to Newfoundland.... Canada is an amazing country. Thanks for sharing!! Mark, Kiel, Wisconsin, USA.


It's a sad day when you decide to say "goodbye" to your Northern Lite. We've had so many wonderful trips in ours, and beautiful memories to hold onto. Even though my husband is now with the Lord, and traveling won't be the same, I'm still holding onto my camper as long as I can.


That video is just what I needed tonight. After a mind numbing day working in town, I got to come home to my cabin, sit on my front porch and be reminded what it is that I am working for. Thanks Man


Shawn, you give people food for thought. Cali, you give me smiles by the boatload. Thank you for taking us on an amazing trip!


Shawn, Big fan of your passions for work, food, family and life. Cali too! As far as your camper and mobile camping, you’re not on vacation until you don’t have a schedule. I’m sure it was hard to relax being away from the cabin. Never hurts to take a break. The world is a beautiful place. You are a wonderful videographer. Love your choices of background music. Thanks for taking us along!


The East Coast has a vibe all its own. Laid back and the locals. My dad was from there and he had a certain practical wisdom, growing up in the '30s, in that area. He logged with a team of horses at 17.


You have a VERY special wife. To continue living in your beautiful cabin with no bedroom takes a very special woman. Not to mention the hard work to maintain and build your lifestyle. She’s rare. 😊


I did cry watching Cali jumping in the Atlantic Ocean! And you and your beautiful family and home - that is all that matters, you are together, and safe! The state of the world?? War and more /war....the French expression of 'the more things change, the more they stay the same' resonates with me on a daily basis. You are wise, to prepare as much as possible to be in control of your own lives. Bless you and yours.


What a fabulous last trip in your van, the beautiful views and beaches as well as the fishing ports.Beautiful.i cannot get over how varied the different landscapes are as you travel around. It must be harder for these smaller towns getting supplies through in the winter months, although the kids must love their Snow Days off school..I think Cali really enjoyed all her special play times and the beach time .Its great to see her so fit and healthy 🥰
