Do Angioplasty Heart Stent Procedures Work?

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There are demonstrably no benefits to the hundreds of thousands of angioplasty and stent procedures performed outside of an emergency setting. They don’t prevent heart attacks, enable you to live longer, or even help with symptoms any more than placebo (fake) surgery.

Hold on. Why doesn’t opening up—and even propping open—a blocked coronary artery help? I address that next. This is the first video in a seven-part series on stents. Stay tuned for:

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Thanks, can't wait for the rest of the series. Several years after having 2 stents inserted in 2006, and taking statins, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and anticoagulants daily, I asked my morbidly obese doctor to refer me to a cardiologist to work out a plan for coming off the medication. By that stage I had developed (self diagnosed) a Ramipril cough which my doctor suggested may have been a side effect of the beta blocker. When I visited the cardiologist my BMI was 30 but I was the skinniest person in the room. The cardiologist recommended continuation of the medication and boosting the statin dose. At that point I reflected on my stupidity for taking advice from individuals who appeared incapable of addressing their own looming health crises. What happened to "Physician heal thyself"? At no stage did the doctor or the cardiologist suggest that I should address my diet. That was four years ago at which point I switched to a whole food plant based lifestyle and set myself several physical fitness goals. I also weaned myself off all prescription medications and now only visit the doctor for an annual flu shot (and hopefully Covid-19 vaccination soon). This morning my BMI was 25 and I'm working towards maintaining it at around 23. Thanks again Dr Greger and others on the Internet who have helped me achieve my healthy life goals.


This is astonishing. A scandal potentially on a grand scale. Needs wider publicity/ media coverage. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.


Patient on placebo surgery: “Thank you for saving my life doctor!”
Doctor: “Ah, it’s nothing”


My heart breaks over people caught up in the Eating Addiction of the Standard American Diet. Surgery & Pharmaceuticals are considered Normal, but CUTTING OUT Animal Products or Processed Foods is considered absurd. The Science & Evidence is CLEAR, but people don't like to hear their Bad Habits are Bad for them.


I personally had a Stent placed in my heart because I was having angina and I don't think it was unnecessary.
When I saw the picture before the procedure it looked like a 95% blockage.


Our eating habits and life style is causing our demise.
People are their own worst enemies.


one of the only few good holistic Doc´s. Thank you so much Dr.Gregor for your amazing work and making my life better and helping me to spread your wisdom/research to others


Reminds me of "Doctors will get mad when they hear about this" ad banner


The problem is that we expect our doctors to do “something” when we feel we’re ill. We expect a pill, a procedure or some operation that’ll fix everything so we can carry on in life in the same old way without making any changes to our lifestyle. The doctor who tells his patients that they have a crapy diet, fail to get any exercise, don’t get enough sleep and that anything that’s on offer from the medical system may make things worse will not be popular.


A few years ago my dad had a heart attack and got a stent. The cardiologist gave him a temporary diet plan and he had to do rehab for a few months. Even thinking about the diet plan makes me want to hit my head against the wall, but at least it wasn't permanent. The last two years or so he's had problems with arrhythmia and after a few resets at the doctor he's had a defib put in.
My mum has arthritis and hypertension - more things proven to be linked to animal products. But neither of them will listen. I showed my mum What the Health and she said "they're always changing the science, one minute something's bad for you then it's good for you, they can make it say whatever they want". Yes, that's the point of science mum! She just blindly trusts what she's always been told by the industry (the irony).
"It's all just part of getting old" she says. She started having bone and joint pain in her early sixties and dad was 67 when he had his heart attack.
They've both opted to take a bunch of tablets every day, including tablets for the side effects of the original tablets, rather than change their diet even a little.
It's frustrating and really sad. I wish I could make them listen. It doesn't help that I'm also up against my two sisters who take the same stance as my parents. I'm sure they'd also like mum and dad to be healthy and live as long as possible. They'd like mum and dad to go to their grandchildren's weddings. The worst part is the food they serve at family functions; there's so much meat... right next to roast vegies and quinoa salads! It's maddening!
Maybe I should show them these videos. Dad might listen to youtube, it's where he gets all his conspiracy theories haha.
I'm just so frustrated and sick of it all :/


Aggghhh!!!! What is going to be done about Save us Dr. Greger !


go dr gregor. Love those mystery resolving


Whenever I feel like I'm slipping on my plant based lifestyle, I watch these videos lol. 😂


Thank you for putting this information out


There was a heart hospital in my city that the owner, Dr Joseph Galichia, was fined 7.5 million dollars for frivolous stent procedures and yes he was a cardiologist and his medical license was suspended for 3 years. Basically, crime did pay for him.


This is very important to understand. Heart Doctors actually cause more harm than good; maybe this procedure is motivated by profit rather than cure...excellent work..


I want dr. greger to go over whether or not wisdom teeth pulling is a scam


This is an amazing AND very important topic! My father has had this done a couple of times and his understanding was that it was needed to prevent him from having a fatal heart attack. Surely greed is not the main cause of this practice being overdone.... Can it be that even the doctors doing them believe that they actually do help?


Star Trek Ferengi rule of acquisition: greed is eternal.


Wow Dr Greger, I’m in tears. We’re scammed down to our arteries. I wish my parents would just listen to me when I quote you, but they just want to eat what they have for a lifetime and go for these surgeries in the end ☹️
