Angular Standalone Components

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The Standalone Components have been released in Angular 14. It's a way to create an application with less boilerplate code (meaning, the ngModules), and also have the option to lazy load the components.
0:00 Intro
0:16 with NgModules
1:55 with Standalone Components
6:08 import a Standalone Component
8:09 lazy load the Standalone Components
12:24 Thank you
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#angular #learnAngular #angularTutorial #components #standalone #standaloneComponents #singlepageapplication #web #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #angulardevelopment #frontenddeveloper
0:00 Intro
0:16 with NgModules
1:55 with Standalone Components
6:08 import a Standalone Component
8:09 lazy load the Standalone Components
12:24 Thank you
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#angular #learnAngular #angularTutorial #components #standalone #standaloneComponents #singlepageapplication #web #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #angulardevelopment #frontenddeveloper
Getting Started with Standalone Components in Angular
Master Standalone Components: The Ultimate Guide to Angular's Revolutionary Feature
#188 Introduction to Standalone Components | Standalone Components | A Complete Angular Course
Angular Standalone Components - No Ngmodules Anymore
Simplify with Angular Standalone Components
Updates to Standalone Components in Angular v15
Angular Standalone Components and their Impact on Modularity
03. Standalone Components (Angular V.16)
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New in Angular 14 – Standalone Components and Optional Modules (2022)
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#189 Creating a Standalone Component | Standalone Components | A Complete Angular Course
Angular standalone component. Private component. Как перейти от модулей к standalone components...
Routing and Lazy Loading with Standalone Components
Angular 17 Standalone Components: A Comprehensive Guide
Component-First Architecture with Angular Standalone Components - Colum Ferry | NG-DE 2022
#192 Providing Services in Standalone Component | Standalone Components | A Complete Angular Course
Standalone APIs in Angular v16
Lazy Loading Angular Standalone Component
STANDALONE Components Angular 15 | Code Yourself
Standalone Components in Angular in 10 minutes
Angular 14 Tutorial For Beginners #12 - Angular Standalone Components Tutorial | Angular 14 Tutorial
3. Master Angular 17: A Guide to Creating & Importing Standalone Components - #Angular17