Starlink Satellites in the Night Sky

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In California’s Pinnacles National Park on the Life at Night Atlas project for the National Geographic, I was looking for big-eared bats which you can hear their clicking sound in the video. Then a “train” of satellites photobombed the clip. The recently launched set were on their way to the final orbit of about 550 km; a part of Starlink satellite constellation for internet/mobile services. SpaceX has already launched 4000+ starlinks, with about 12,000 total satellites planned, and a possible extension to 42,000. The sky above us is becoming very busy.
On one side is our need for internet globally. More than 3 billion people still don’t have internet access. About 50% of those with access, live in countries with heavy censorship and shutdowns during social unrest (tops by China, Iran, Myanmar, Cuba, Vietnam, Russia). On the other side is the environmental impact of mega constellations, and Starlink will not be the only one. Frequent rocket launches increase black carbon chemicals in the atmosphere which adds to climate change. The night sky filled with sunlight-reflecting satellites largely impact astronomy research and our natural experience of the universe.
In 2020 SpaceX contacted me to consult on the impact of their satellites on astrophotography and stargazing. They were in the process of adding shields to new satellites and change the orientations to reduce visible reflection from the solar panels. It’s great that a large unstoppable company cares about the impact but there is not much they can do to make these satellites invisible. Once deployed from the Falcon 9 rocket the new Starlinks unfurl solar panels to a span of about 100 feet (30 meters). During orbit-gain period of several weeks they are visible to naked eyes. Once in the final orbit they are usually too faint for the naked eyes but they are easily revealed in astrophotos, even with wide-angle lenses. In deep sky telescopic and observatory images, they appear as many bright streaks that ruin the work, unless carefully timed with thousands of satellites coordination. Time-taking processing methods can remove them too.
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I saw this phenomenon in northern California last night. After some googling, I discovered that they are Starlink Satellites in the Night Sky. Thank you for sharing this video; now I can show my friends what I witnessed.


When me and my mom saw them we thought it was aliens like a ufo or something but I felt like it was to good to be true so I searched up “stars moving in a line”and I got my answer this was still awesome to see tho✨


Tonight, I spotted a string of these satellites while taking a night walk with my pup. I wasn’t able to take a clear photo, but went to YouTube and looked at several videos that best depict what I saw. YOURS was the one that was perfect and spot on! Thanks for sharing, now I can show friends and family what’s happening in the skies tonight! March 25, 2024, about 9pm


Saw last night in md. Its weird how they just dissapear


I saw something similar when I was hiking on a mountain yesterday. My boyfriend and I were shocked by the stunning view and I thought we saw Star Train.
The fantasy broke after I googled it today.
Thanks for sharing the clear and beautiful video clip to prove what I saw.


Just saw this tonight while walking with my girlfriend and her dog. I immediately called one of my best friends on speaker phone to discuss what the hell we just saw, we were in shock contemplating how something could move so fast, what could it be? Stars, aliens, military jets? Our minds were bubbling in excitement, surprise, and imaginary fear. I later looked it up to find this; it still was very cool to see in person. It provided for a fun moment.


I thought I was crazy my mom saw it with me just now on top of our house, we thought it was aliens or something


I saw that yesterday in Marrakech, Morocco. Me and my mom were so scared that we called the police thinking that it was an alien invasion. The police didn't have any explanation and just told us to stay calm and to call them back if we see that again. It took us time before discovering that it was only satellites


My wife and I saw them tonight. An incredible sight if you haven't seen them live.


just saw this a few minutes ago, this was actually so cool. i was with my mom and my sister, 10/10 experience, very awesome


Saw this in England while at a fireworks display on Nov 4th 2023 at 18:15pm. They seemed further spaced apart, people were so confused!


I just witnessed this and took a couple of picture of on my phone tonight in the UK. At first I was like - what the fuck is that, and my mind was wandering. Then I looked it up and found out it's just starlink stuff. Awesome. I feel so privileged to have been walking home at the exact moment where the sky showed the starlink satellites going into orbit


Just saw this today in California. Thanks to this now I know what it is!


I saw those last night. Absolutely incredible. I know they say they are Starlink, but I just don't believe that. I dont know what it is, but it aint what they say.


I seen this last It was soo creepy but awesone. So I was standing in line for Corn Stalkers at Ceder Point and well I look up and here it comes. I ask people behind me if I was going insane but they stop and omg phones were out and thanking me. It was such a cool site to see going past the big dipper!!!!


I just saw these for the first time today. Couldn't believe it. Will get to see them again tomorrow.


Just saw this in a Boston suburb and had no idea what is was. Amazingly passing right over our heads and into the night.


I saw it tonight! Man am I'm glad I found out what it was. I would have been wondering all my life what the heck I had seen!


Literally just saw this over my town in the uk, had no idea I’d ever get the opportunity to see it in our night sky but, boom. There it was 🥹


Just saw this tonight in St. Louis MO.
