John Gray| How To Spot A Feminine Man| What Masculine And Feminine Actually Are

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John Gray| How To Spot A Feminine Man| What Masculine And Feminine Actually Are

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#JohnGrayRelationshipAdvice #MenarefromMarsWomenarefromVenus #LoveAfter50 #LoveAfter60
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John Gray of MarsVenus fame and author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus shares what men want and need in a relationship and how they fall in love. Surprisingly what women often do to get and keep a man's attention has the opposite effect, especially if they give too much, too fast, too soon. When women understand this they can get more of their needs met, find love and experience greater intimacy with their partners or husbands.

Women can receive love, and display their boundaries and standards at the same time. John helps us learn how to show respect for ourselves & display who we truly are.

In this video Dr John Gray, talks with us about what Masculine and Feminine energy actually is and what makes a man feminine. He explains the misunderstandings of what people think Masculine is.

FOR MORE JOHN GRAY RELATIONSHIP ADVICE.........head to my John Gray playlist for more.


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