Making Websites With October CMS - Part 36 - Relation Manager

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In this episode I'm going to show you how to use Relation Manager for October CMS.

Relation Manager is a feature that you get out of the box with October CMS. It is used to provide better controls for managing complex model relationships on the backend of your site.

In this episode we are going to learn how to add Relation Manager to our backend form and how to configure it to work nicely with our already predefined relations. As you will see it's not that hard one you know what you are doing.

### Code used in this video

### Consider buying me a beer, thanks ;) !

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As always when i watch your videos, i feel to thank you Ivan !


Hi Ivan, can you make a video on nested relationships ... please


This is a great series of videos... very useful.

How about a video on integrating your Movies plugin with the Sitemap plugin so all movies are included in the generated sitemap.xml?


Another congratulations for your time spent to provide such clear, detailed and practical information ! i'd like giving many thumbs at once ;)


thank you so much sir.we always wait for october new video.i have a small request if you make video over it.a search box button with parameters.for example bus search box where buses can be searched on parameter of routes.and this search box should be frontend.thank you in advance


Hello there,

first of all thank you for your amazing videos couldn't been able to learn October without it them.
let's say they are extra fields on movies - actor pivot table my question is how can i edit these fields on movie model form ?
or should have a model for the pivot table ?


Do you cover the Pivot side of things in any of your tutorials?


I have 3 Model
Product (jkshop plugin)
Book (my plugin)
Seller (my plugin)
Product hasOne Book
Book belongsToMany Seller
how to use Relation Manager in Product model for submit a book with Seller relation??


Hi Ivan, could you make another indeep video about relation manager, something with multiple deep relations (when you have 3 tables o models relation)... Thank you for your videos it helped me a lot! :)


Thanks for grate video.

I am struggling with multilingual slugs for my model.

Can you make some video how to make whole model translatable including slugs, for better SEO?


hello Ivan,
Great tutorial set, i am planning for a small ERP like system for a small bakery, so i use the backend forms as frontend forms in order to have more freedom with the design (not sure if that is the best approach yet), so i needed the Relation Manager in the front end and rendered the form that contains this relation manager very nicely, the problem seems to be that every time i click on "create" i get the "add" popup, so would you be able to review my code for assistance :).


Thanks for such a nice video. I tried everything you have mentioned and it worked but for some reason the category field size is taking the full row after rendering. I tried changing the column width in the model as well but still the field is taking the whole row.


Thank you for the Video! By now i have about 1 mtr of TYPO3 Books in my shell wasted - October CMS and the Team behind it is so cool. Thumbs up guys!!

One question regarding the video: can you show / or comment in an extra Episode or Comment how
to Reorder / Sort the Pivot Data? Plus can we use (i did not tryed yet) Images in the Relation Manager (i.e. Actor Mugshot)

Question 2
Is it possible to Split the main forms by some way? or have 2 or more Forms for the same model that we can fill differrent

Cant wait to see the next Video!
Cheers Alex


Great clear and easy to follow tutorial. Is it possible to make actors list unique to the one movie using 'conditions' such as movie_id?


Hi, Can you please do a tutorial about before attach for BelongsToMany relation from back-end. Like some validations before attaching.
Ex: If there is a enrollment system, Assume that an "Event" has a capacity. And if the capacity reach, enrollments(relation) should be disabled.


Hello! When i add a partial field 'genres' to my model and everything else, my model is storing the genres - they doesn't disappear when i'm refreshing my movie update page. But when i'm trying to display my genres field in the foreach loop - it doesn't display any. And even when I'm trying to run $this['movie] -> genres CMS throws an exception "Trying to get property of non-object".

Can you suggest any ideas why this could happen?


Very good videos, thank you.
I still have one question: Is there a way to display a partial depending on a condition? This would be the case with me, if the actual record e.g. a product does not exist yet and the user tries to add the corresponding language-dependent description, e.g. English description, French description first. In this case, the relation would not work because the actual data record does not yet exist, so I would get an SQL error.


Great tutorial. Managed to get the RelationManager up and running. The only problem is when I'm in my backend form and click on "Create" at the top of the related sublist, I get the manage pop-up and have to manually set the dropdown related to my model. In my example, I've got a list of meetingrooms, each with a subset of bookings. When I click to create a new booking inside my form, the right meetingroom should be preselected. Do you have any ideas as to what might be the solution?


Hello, I'm Brazilian, I'm announcing October CMS in Brazil, doing video lessons, how do I checkbox button where I choose whether the article will be published or not, as it has in the Rain.Lab.Blog plugin?
