Django Rest Framework Series - Build a Django DRF app and React Front-end - Part-1

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Hello, and welcome to the first tutorial in this Django Rest Framework Series. In the following series of tutorials we will go through the Django Rest Framework and in addition build a React application to consume our Django Rest API. In this tutorial we work through a little bit of API theory then start to build a simple application in Django - based around a blog type of application. We move through the gears in Django then move across to React where we build an application to consume our new Django API.

🎉More from this Django Rest Framework Series:

00:00 Series overview and tutorial breakdown
03:40 Theory Introduction
14:31 HTTP Request Methods
16:29 HTTP Status Response Codes
20:05 Defining a RESTful API service
27:16 Endpoints
🐱‍🏍Django Development
31:37 Creating a new project and virtual machine
35:37 We start coding - first the URLs
41:03 Creating the models
51:02 API views and serializers
1:00:15 Using the APIview
1:07:02 Using the built in generic class views
1:12:19 Starting and using the Postman application
1:13:41 Testing the application
🐱‍🏍React Development
1:31:56 Introduction
1:32:44 Build new application
1:41:01 Material UI introduction
1:43:00 Building the header and footer
🐱‍🏍Django Development
1:53:19 Installing and configuring Cors
🐱‍🏍React Development
1:56:43 Connecting and collecting data from an API
2:12:44 We have data!

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this content is gold, i watched a lot of vids on Django and Django & React (including paid ones) and this must be one of the best i have ever seen! plz continue !


This is fantastic so far! The first DRF series I've seen that includes testing right from the start


I've been doing full stack stuff for years, but I still learned a lot from this video. Thanks


I love using Django, and react, so putting them together is absolutely dynamite. Thank you for this,


This always happens with me, I see a dozen of tutorials with not-so-appropriate explanations, get frustated, and then finally land up on a tutorial with THE MOST AMAZING explanation on this planet. Can't thank you enough for such a clear & engaging content. Can't wait to see this channel getting what it deserves.✨💜


I have to admit. This is the first time I have felt so comfortable with React and Django in a year. This series is the Best Christmas present for 2021. Everything that I want is in this.


One of the first tutorials that I see mentioning testing the application... Finally! So this is really good


This is an amazing source, I honestly looked for a lot of different videos on the same topic and nobody breaks down in this depth! Thank you!


It rarely happens to find someone with great knowledge and a talent for teaching... you are one of those rare cases


You're a really engaging teacher. This is by far the most intuitive explanation I've seen about Django REST APIs. Looking forward to the rest of the series!


This series is exactly what I was looking for, I have just seen a part of this first video and I am absolutely happy to see how good a teacher you are. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I'm sure you will get so many more thousands of subscribers soon! Keep it up!


This tutorial is absolutely great!
The theory of Django DRF is explained thoroughly which I've been missing a lot in other tutorials.
Exactly what I needed!


I've been looking for a great playlist and here it is.
Thank you so much, best tutorial till today : 12-3-2023
Love from Bangladesh


Wow. This is gold. 10 minutes in and I've already subscribed!


This is the best tutorial on rest api I found so far. Thank you so much! <3


Hey, I've just finished the theory part, and I absolutely agree with the fact that its vital to have a basic understanding of why your code works or how it works, especially for beginners. So far I love the way you explain concepts, it is just right at least for my personal way of learning. One piece of advice I would like to share with you, is to code first and ask the student to just follow along (typing, not copy pasting!) and THEN explain what each thing does and why. This is something I picked up from Zed Shaws, "Learn X language the hard way" books, and I feel there is some merit to this approach. When someone has already written the code it is easier to explain to them because they have already experienced it, and it isnt a purely theoretical cloud in their mind. Anyway, thats my 2 cents on the matter, but so far I am loving the tutorial, keep it up :D !!!


Other youtubers do confused thats why i am here and now everything is clear thanks!


I really love your videos and learn so much from them. Thank you for taking the time to make these courses. I am super appreciative of the time you took to prepare this


This is just beautiful! Clear, concise and in depth!


This is great! 🔥

Thank you very much for including testing as well 👍🏽

Also close to 1K mark! Very excited 🤓
