4 ways to tell if your Therapist is Good (or not!)

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You should have all of these things in your therapeutic relationship, if it is healthy and right for you.

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Sign 1- 1:35, Sign 2- 2:50, Sign 3- 5:04, Sign 4- 7:20. Reach out to me for SUPPORT at www.truetoyoucounseling.com


I think my therapist might be wrong for me... She listens to me and validates me, but I feel like she is just an audience. I've rarely gotten a new valuable idea from talking with her, or valuable advice. It's like she could be almost anybody - I also hold back on difficult topics because I feel like it would be too much for her, and she doesn't push me. I feel like she is happy that I don't open up too much. I kind of feel like she is more fragile and less intelligent than me, as bad as that sounds, but I have previously worked with a therapist who was better at taking lead and I think it works better for me with people with that type of personality.


I can’t believe this doesn’t have more views & likes. This so clear & helpful, but also nuanced.


My therapist fits all of these perfectly, they’re just ideal for me. The only problem is that they can’t continue to work with me anymore :(


1:35 - does it feel right?

2:50 - does their style and specialty fit your needs?

5:04 - you feel understood

7:20 - you feel safe (you can be uncomfortable with the process but as long as you feel like you’re growing that’s a good mix/combo)


I've started with online therapy just a couple of weeks before COVID-19, I've never done therapy before, so I'm new and don't have anything to compare it. It started well, but now I'm not feeling comfortable. I think we only talk about small things and don't progress on stuff. Last week was hard for me, and I wanted to talk about it. I've said it but didn't feel he wanted to discuss it and try to see how we can work with it. He was just focused on my dreams that I think are important, but I also feel reality is much important. I'm anxious all the time, have slow esteem, and sometimes I feel depressed, but we don't discuss that. Since it's hard for me to talk about it, I don't know if it's him or me. What do you recommend? Should I bring it up and discuss it? I feel that sometimes I have trouble facing things, and I'm evasive, and I can hold on to something uncomfortable for months. I don't know if the problem is him or me. I think he's a good therapist, but I don't know if I made the click. It happened once too that he didn't show up for the session and didn't tell me and I wrote to him and he said he fell asleep, which upset me, but I didn't say anything. He asked me to forgive him, but it still bothered me.


I love your videos Diana, wish you could be my therapist!


But what about the double edge counclers, that interrogate and try to bait you the whole session???


What kind of worksheets do you give out? Do you have examples?


Feeling safe /believing oneself to be safe is not good if it not true, and therapists and people are (potentially) dangerous.
It can beteacherous and make one stay futilely for years without being helped, because it feels good. Also feeling understood doesn't necessarily mean that one IS understood. More important is it feeling meaningful, that constructive thoughts, feelings, Qs and processes start with the therapist. And that S(H)e has wisdom, grounding, health, oopenness, courage, ability and will to empathy, making an effort to understand and showing me what is and what is not (yet) understood. As long as the will to understand is strong and active, with the herapist eager and giving some energy in questions and response, I am happy not yet bein understood. Because if they say they understand before they do, they shut their door to real, deep understanding. Hardly anybody asks Qs on what I say, thus helping me to get deeper in touch with my soul and the things. Too much sympathy and harmony will hinder real therapy and becomes fake.
Most therapists seem lazy, stingy, unhealed, superficial, not emotionally mature and alive, power-inclined/controlling/rigid, prejudiced drawing too quick, wrong and limiting, braking conclusions .I am sure there is some right ones even for me, but the cost of injury, time, money and energy squandered has been far too great . After searching 41 years, I almost give up and seek healing with God and Jesus Christ instead.


How can you tell if you're still growing during the uncomfortable part?


Hi is it normal to feel so attached to your school counselor? I feel that I’m too attached to her that i think of her all the time but also i don’t like her romantically. I know it isn’t healthy for both of us but i don’t know how to detach from her.


Wow. Some of these comments. I feel so boring lol Good luck to everyone, and God bless!


I am having psycho dynamic therapy... My therapist has never used my name, is that right????


I need help. I don’t know what to do. I have ocd and in the first place I wanted ocd specialist and my therapist said I can’t have another ocd therapist cause my therapist is my therapist. I’m fucked if my therapist isn’t good


A good therapist counseling people with different triggers shouldn’t wear clothes that show cleavage, etc. Dress professionally.


Is it wise to think that my therapist is not the right person for me after the first day of therapy ?


i once went to therapy and he was 50year old male therapist i had cancer i couldn't sleep i was hurting my self and i was failing at school so bad tho i was trying so hard ...and after talking to hem ... he called my mom in the room and told her i was having problem because of this (he pointed at my face) and said she need a nose job and to fix her teeth (i couldn't do anything about my teeth or i nose i was doing chemotherapy and there was nothing wrong with my face it was ok and totally normal face ) ... and i just ....it broke me i was okay with the way i look i never felt ugly but after that i always felt so ugly i stopped smiling for a long time cuz i never wanted anyone to see my teeth and stopped going to school for a month i didn't want anyone to see me .... but my best friend reached out to me and helped me get over that ... i ended up going to that therapist twice after what he said about my face after the second time i realised there was something wrong with hem and not me . i feel so stoped for going there 3 times ... that happened a year ago and now i have an appointment tomorrow with a young female therapist i hope it goes well ... I'm so scared of going there but i know i need help...


In other words, clients should pay you so you could have time to put extra effort to understand them?
Until therapists don't learn meaning of words "accountability" and "responsibility", especially in financial terms, all people like you can offer are empty words.
Therapy is not safe space, therapy was one of most unhealthy experiences I ever had. Therapists are not able to behave properly, like not yelling and similar things. Of course, if I had it enough after two or three sessions, "you are too scared of therapy". When a client drops out after years of therapy (and no results as usual), main excuse is "therapy was about to touch sensitive topics". For anyone with basic knowledge of philosophy of science such explanation is major red flag and clear sign that they are dealing with a quack/charlatan.
The most important thing in therapy is that there is steady stream of new clients so even massive drop out rate doesn't hurt therapist's business and lifestyle.
Therapy - retraumatization through waste of time and money without resolving.


My theripst said she won't adapt cause its dbt and she going to have boundries with me. When i go off she stops me and just says im in unrentling crisis and active passivity but the more she say i feel disregulated and she says USE the full skill in Dbt. Im trying but having a hard time doing it to how she says to do it and i feel im failing cause i have a learning disability but she say no i have a choice and use a skill. Please help with feed back she like im not going to regulate you that her boundary and if i talk to my ex she said dont bother calling for coaching for 24 hrs cause you engaged in therapy interfere behavior but alot of thing get me off track. Pls i hope you can give me feedback im not sure about my therapist and feel triggered alot thinking of her words like anxiety
