How to break bad habits in Fighting games

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#Brian_F #streetfighter6 #sf6
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Bad habits are easier to break when you are replacing them. Instead of thinking "i shoudnt mash there" think "i should stay patient there" or "i should watch my opponents pressure."


It’s like when I go to the kitchen and I have to yell at myself, ‘GRAB A TOWEL’ or whatever or I’ll forget why I went in there. Fr tho


My biggest bad habit when i started was using DI as an anti air, works wonders in lower ranks but immediately got blown up when i reached higher ranks. Had to break it and it took a while. My biggest bad habit now is going for L air to air towards the opponent. For those who dont know, you can get punished if you L air to air as the opponent lands first.


To this day i still anti air with stand jab things that i absolutely shouldn't because that worked for a bit with seth since they're so tall. It gets me counter hit all the time nowadays when i'm playing absent minded.


It was a several step process for me to realize I'm Guile now, not Balrog anymore, so it's time to stop pressing St. MP anti-air.
1) Identify the habit you need to break (st. MP does not anti-air).
2) Identify the situations in match when this would apply, Literally say it out loud when you see it, hearing yourself say it over and over will help drill it into your head:
"You did st. MP anti-air again." You'll get sick of hearing you nag yourself.
3) Identify the correct solution(s) (Cr. HP, St. MK, flash kick, air throw, jump back LP, etc.)
4) Explain the correct option: "You're already crouching, just hit HP." or "You have down charge, just push up+K".
5) Implement the correct option.
6) Reinforce the correct option: "Good anti-airs this game, have a cookie."
Took me about a month to fully stop pushing St. MP. About two weeks in and it mostly stopped but in intense scramble situations the error would still resurface for about another two weeks. Return to step 2 if you relapse.


I use Drive Impact a lot, especially as a panic button or out of frustration. I need to stop doing that.


I have a habit of pausing the game when doing conbos and it’s such a bad habit and I don’t know how to get rid of it


Any advice when you know to look out for something, talk to yourself for the thing see the thing and then you still don't do it?


I cant believe brian would teach us how to break bad


It's so tempting to jump with Rashid . Who can relate?
