The Miracles of Jesus Christ

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As I release this video we are all studying the miracles of Jesus during his mortal ministry. In the April 2021 General Conference, President Nelson encouraged all of us to study miracles as part of developing faith. While looking at Miracles individually is absolutely a worthwhile journey, taking a step back and looking at them from a 30k foot view can also be enlightening. Some of this lesson was shared in a previous video on the 3 types of miracles but I decided to update it to enhance our study of Christ’s mortal ministry.

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I am a trauma therapist. I see miracles every day as abused people realize they can heal. As they accept this the power of negative memories weaken and finally they are free. Thank you Jesus for helping me, allowing me, to help a little.


thank you for using my art! use it for any purpose. Im your channels biggest fan!! keep up the amazing work!


Jesus seeing Nathanael under the fig tree sounds like a mental/spiritual mix miracle. Christ was able to mentally know about this experience, but also spiritually understand Nathanael's heart and how to help convert him to the work!


I absolutely love your channel. I have a very strong testimony about casting out in the name of my savior. I can’t understand why is this such a taboo between members. It is so clear to me and my family. And we have seen the miracles in our lives after casting out. My faith grows every time. I’m a life coach and when I teach this to my clients and they feel the difference in their lives their testimony about Christ grows and it’s absolutely beautiful to witness. I feel so blessed that we learn all this in the temple and in scriptures!
Thanks and keep teaching the way you do ✨


I was surprised to listen to you tie possession to traumatic experiences. I honestly thought that I was one of maybe a few isolated cases, since I had never heard anyone in the church speak of it before. I had suffered physical and sexual abuse by two members of my family beginning very early and lasting years. At one point, it nearly cost me my life by one of those persons. The severity of that trauma caused me to create several personalities, which, unbeknownst to me, had made a death pack to end my life of suffering. They encouraged satanic possession to aid them. As an adult, I had the Priesthood used several times to cast them out during years of therapy, just to turn around to have my personalities invite them back in. It was disturbing to me to say the least, since I was a righteous person who had joined the church and was doing my best to live the Gospel. Only after ridding myself of my personalities did the possessions stop occurring. Thank you for helping me not to feel alone and isolated in this experience! It greatly helped to bring peace.


Thanks, I do think we need to be more aware of the miracles in our lives.


Jesus is the God of miracles. He is the Master healer. I have given and seen Priesthood blessing that bestowed miracles. He is the giver of this power and he is the means of these miracles. I never thought about mental infirmaries, but what you said makes a lot of sense. Casting Satan out of our lives is something that we all should do. Thanks for sharing.


I love this! And I'm sure some people won't love the connection of possession and mental illness, But I think it is important to understand that sometimes, and only sometimes, there is a connection. I have never looked at someone with a mental illness and thought "Oh, they're possessed". That said, possession is absolutely a real thing, so it is important not to forget.


As a Clinical Hypnotherapist I help people all the time who accept "the fiery darts of the adversary"...thoughts he gives us that we accept or reject. We are accountable as we accept them, and he will give us as much as we accept. In trance as they look at the thoughts they are accepting I can help them see the lies, deception and trickery they have accepted and teach them how to free themselves. They are not fully possessed, but have accepted attachments of negative thoughts so powerful as to control them in aspects of their lives.


Oh my goodness I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL and I love your brain/soul (in a non creepy way🤓)


Thank you for you hard work in putting this together. I did find two places in scripture that seem to separate the possessed from the mentally ill into two different categories. In Matthew 4 & 11. A search of the word “lunatic” in the Gospel Library app will bring up the verses mentioning this in those two chapters. There may be other descriptions used to describe a differentiation between mental illness and possession also, but I thought I’d share for future reference (not that you need it necessarily).

I too think that some behaviors/symptoms described as mental illness might describe some level of possession, but some cases, most in my opinion, are mental illness.

Thank you again.


Much food for thought ...and further study


I really enjoyed this presentation, and appreciate your time. One of the comments you made was about thinking about and putting ourselves in the experiences those who received the miracles in the New Testament and think of how they felt. I have been watching The Chosen for a second time really paying more attention not only to the apostles and their development of faith and the miracles they witness, but also watching so closely the people to whom the miracles are being performed to. As I watch these experiences I am also reflective on our gospel teachings, the videos like this and current Scripture Central videos along with other commentaries featuring the same teachings.
I am so grateful for today’s technology where I can combine all of these things into one and reflect when I watch or listen to the other formats.
It is truly enriching and a miracle in itself.

I am working hard to change my perspectives and align myself to be able to expect miracles!

God Bless ❤
And thank you!


Have learned do many things in the big challenges i was taught by that very responsible and yergetic companion of mine


I had an NDE 8 years ago and learned so much about mental illness and sickness in general. Much of it is caused by our ancestral choices/unrepentant sin/negative emotions. These things create binds or chains of darkness which cause weakness in our cells/spirit/protection system which allows Satan and his followers to have more access/influence on us and less ability to heal. Read Alma 5. If you read the scriptures on a deeper level you will see it there. Same with the temple. There are ways to be free from these shackles or chains of darkness and be free from these negative energies and be yoked to Christ instead, who brings light, health, positive vibrations which program our very cells to heal.


I believe that the followers of Satan themselves are tempting us constantly, and that letting their influence be to great in our lives can actually lead to a mental illness. I do also believe that literal demonic possession is real because of unwanted close encounters that I’ve seen myself, and I know that this can happen when a person’s spirit has been weakened to the point something else can actually take advantage and it is incredibly dangerous. It’s so important that we are always strong, faithful and cheerful of our lives despite our circumstances, honestly the word of wisdom is our life jacket on this matter.


Another excellent production. Thank you. The linkage between demonic possession and dementia was sometimes misunderstood in pioneer times. Late in her life, Vilate Kimball was frequently struck by episodes of what Heber C. Kimball termed “devils.” He blessed his wife to relieve her suffering, and though the episodes lingered until Vilate’s death, family witnesses were comforted by President Heber Kimball’s use of priesthood power. The main source of the story is “Life of Heber C. Kimball” by Orson F. Whitney (pp 472-473).


We are The Eyes Hands and Voice from God To Teach Others, Guide Others, Help Others
See what Needs Done. ALL these Need
Help for us Instruction to Us to do it in the Right way...The Lord's Way Not Ours.


As always, a very informative and thought provoking lesson!


Yes i indeed hreatful to our heavenly father in zndbhis only brgotten din ehobhrlp me dirviv do many big challenges in this mortsl life ibhsbe.
