Star Wars Versus Series : Qui-Gon Jinn Vs Kit Fisto

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Star Wars Versus Series : Qui-Gon Jinn Vs Kit Fisto
Star wars Vs Series Fictional battles, with real out comes!
Next time: Episode 2 : Darth Maul and ventress vs obi wan kenobi and Shaak TiWelcome to Season 1 Episode 1 of my Star Wars Versus Series.

Enjoy! And let me know what you think and who you want to see in the comments down below.
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alot of people say that fisto has trouble against single opponents because of his losses against ventress and sidious, but they forget that before his fight with asajj he was tired from fighting several droids while ventress was analyzing his style(according to the wiki) and sidious is fuck mothering sidious.


Qui Gon stomps he mastered Makashi’s and ataru two forms which are very effective against Shi cho and he is stated to be a higher tier 7 than Fisto in Gillard’s tiering


Cool series idea, man! Awesome video!


I like it and I agree with the verdict


The way I see it is they are equal in combative force abilities. Though some people argue Fisto>Qui Gon in force abilities, there have really been no feats that have shown Kit Fisto OR Qui Gon using telekinesis to a great degree like Yoda, Mace Windu, Anakin, etc. THey both have decent combative force abilities, but nowhere near even Obi Wan's level. In my opinion, their combative force abilties are just above average for a Jedi Master. They are equal in force abilities. Then there is lightsaber combat, Kit Fisto uses a style better for going against multiple opponents or multiple weapons (General Grievous) while Qui Gon's style is much better at actually dueling. On top of that, Qui Gon was trained by Dooku, arguably the best swordsman of the entire Jedi order and was able to stalemate with Dooku and Mace Windu in a duel (it should be noted that Mace wasn't at his peak yet). Qui Gon wins on lightsaber combat. Kit Fisto obviously wins at physical abilities because Qui Gon is an old man (lol). The verdict is that if they tried to use telekinesis, they would be matched almost perfect evenly, so it would be down to dueling skills, which even though by the end of it Qui Gon would be gasping for breath and totally out of stamina, his dueling prowess and his superior dueling form would grant him the victory. Just like the video, I declare Qui Gon the victor.


This is a tough call, because I like both characters.


good video and however i disagree with the outcome but i would greatly hesitate to say they are equal in force abilities in combat Fisto has several depictions of using them against other saber duelists or in combat in general where qui gon does not. I would say they are very much equal in saber combat due to the fact that fistos physicality hinders him less than jin and jin has a slight advantage due to fistos style. Overall good video but it did seem like you favored jin from the start.


have to say i don't agree with this one
