Did anyone explain CRT? Seems like they only explained the goals. Like saying a car is where you need to go to a store, or to school. And not get wet. And how we have a history of going places but don't talk about it. It is assumed.
All those words and no explanation of what we are actually talking about.
As a Canadian I searched for a video like this in order to educate myself about what was going on and what CRT actually is. Now I feel more confused!
The main thing I learned from being a teacher is "don't be a teacher." This is my advice to anyone considering teaching.
Black folks shouldn't entrust the entire education of their kids to the schools only. Why would they? Sit your kids down after dinner and start telling them gradually the history of black people in America from the perspective of a black person. Let them hand it down to their own kids and so on. That's how to keep these stories and histories alive. Waiting for the system that's implicitly biased against you to teach them isn't reasonable or realistic.
Note the definition of race: A misleading and deceptively appealing classification of human beings created by White people originally from Europe which assigns human worth and social status using the White racial identity as the archetype of humanity for the purpose of creating and maintaining privilege, power, and systems of oppression. (Lawrence and Keleher) Lawrence, K., & Keleher, T. (Eds.). Proceedings from Race and Public Policy Conference 2004. Chronic disparity: Strong and pervasive evidence of racial inequalities. (p.1-6). Berkeley: CA.
So schools have been teaching about slavery for years, no one ever seemed to care about how it made black kids feel. The history made it seemed like black American history started on a boat.. I remember asking my teacher about what happened before the slave ship and his answer was "this is American history not african history class" which is true but yet they teach us European history.
How to make a video titled CRT: Experts break down what it actually means without explaining what it actually means at all. Great job.
I feel I was cheated in public high school because they explicitly ignored certain events in our shared history. We must know our own history and that of others so that we do not repeat the same mistakes.
My rejection of CRT is that it forms a conclusion for you instead of allowing children to form their own opinions. Teach just facts and ALL of it, but leave out what you believe the intention was.
The problem seems to be that a lot of people on the left feel this need to immediately see a crt critic as this enemy with views completely opposite to theirs. They feel like attacking them by saying ridiculous things like “you want to sweep history under the rug” and that’s just not the case. And then you also have the same issue of people on the right not seeing that a lot of people on the left don’t want extreme views being taught, views which try to make white kids feel guilty and views that try to make everything about race.
I feel like people on the left are ignorant as to the dangers of this and people on the right are ignorant towards the great benefits. The majority of us (on the left and the right) are more similar than we are different and I don’t think we’re seeing that.
At the end of the day I think the big issues surrounding crt need to be openly discussed an d addressed before we start teaching it to kids. I don’t want my kids to feel like they are being reduced to their skin color, and I’ve seen a lot of horrific clips of teachers teaching things that lead to those feelings. And I know that most of them have good intentions, it’s just that we disagree about what is harmful and what’s not and we need to have a more open discussion about it. It just gets hard when your friends on Facebook immediately turn to extremist views and then you feel like you can’t openly discuss things with them because you don’t want them to think that you’re a monster (that goes for both sides).
I think that this would be a good thing to talk about but I’d love it if they also talk about how to change that. Like, open a conversation on how to solve unfair racial systems. I think that would solve a lot of problems.
Thanks for the video, all I’ve heard so far is the right saying “it’s just insulting white people” and the left saying “it’s not racist, it’s just teaching a part of history” but I’d never actually heard WHAT crt is.
Tbh, after learning what it is, I don’t think this should be an actual class, I think it should be a unit covered in civics class.
Can we get a look at the actual curriculum? A study of race relations historically and presently (which such complex human interaction is better left in late high school or college environments) is completely different from the ideas that are being objected to.
We could just stick to the facts and not the opinions. That would be a great start. Let our young people decide for themselves what is good. With out the politics of influence.
Im have been searching for answers on what CRT is. I keep hearing that we have laws today that are inherently racist and aimed at keeping minorities down. However, I never hear specific laws and policies that highlight the theory.
I watched this whole video and nothing was explained to me lol I still don’t. Understand what it is in that alone is a problem
I have yet to see any of these people get on and debate this. They stick to echo chambers, and just let one side speak about it, and then give a lame summary of what the other side says. What are you afraid of? Why not let the world know what it really is? It's because it's racism
We must embrace the truth and teach our children the truth. No matter how it's hurts
What we don't know about CRT: Read from CRT theorists:
***CRT questions, criticizes, challenges, and even rejects classical liberal value, like, color-blindness, racial integration, equality, individualism, incremental improvement, "objective, neutral, and balanced" view, etc. and the traditional 1964 civil rights movement discourse. ***
"The aspect of our work which most markedly distinguishes it from conventional liberal and conservative legal scholarship about race and inequality is deep dissatisfaction with traditional civil rights discourse"
--Critical Race Theory: the key writings that formed the movement. Edited by Kimberle Crenshaw, ...
"Unlike traditional civil rights discourse, which stresses incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principals of constitutional law."
-- Critical Race Theory. An Introduction. Third edition. by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
***CRT starts in law school, rapidly spread into other fields, including education.
"Although CRT began as a movement in the law, it has rapidly spread beyond that discipline. Today, many in the field of education consider themselves critical race theorists who use CRT’s ideas to understand issues of school discipline and hierarchy, tracking, controversies over curriculum and history, and IQ and achievement testing. Political scientists ponder voting strategies coined by critical race theorists. Ethnic studies courses often include a unit on critical race theory, and American studies departments teach material on critical white students developed by CRT writers. Unlike some academic disciplines, critical race theory contains an activist dimension. It not only tries to understand our social situation, but to change it."
-- Critical Race Theory. An Introduction. Third edition. by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
***CRT rejects objective, neutral, and balanced as white value, advocates subjectivity and political activism.
"A major theme of critical race theory reflects the colored intellectual's persistent battle to avoid being rendered inauthentic by the pressures of adapting to the white world and, instead, to take an oppositional stance by relying on one's true existential life, which is rooted in a world of color even though not stuck there...
As a reflection of authenticity, critical race scholarship also rejects the traditional dictates that implore one to write and study as a detached observer whose work is purportedly objective, neutral, and balanced. In the classic sense of "professing", critical race scholars advocate and defend positions."
Fran Olsen points out that traditional scholarship's appearance of balance presupposes a status quo baseline that hinders both understanding...
--Critical race theory, archie shep, and fire music: securing an authentic intellectual life in a multicultural world by John O. Calmore
"Critical race theorists embrace subjectivity of perspective and are avowedly political. ...We use personal histories, parables, chronicles, dreams, stories, poetry, fiction, and revisionist histories to convey our message."
-- Words that wound. critical race theory, assaultive speech, and the first amendment. by Mari J. Matsuda, Charles R Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and Kimberle Crenshaw
***CRT rejects legal discourse***
"The CLS (critical legal studies) emphasis on DECONSTRUCTION as the vehicle for liberation leads to the conclusion that engaging in legal discourse should be avoided because it reinforces not only the discourse itself but also the society and the world that it embodies."
-- Race, Reform, and retrenchment: transformation and legitimation in antidiscrimination law by Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
***CRT rejects incremental change, advocates revolution
"The predicament of social reform, as one writer pointed out, is that "everything must change at once." Otherwise, change is swallowed up by the remaining elements, so that we remain roughly as we were before. Culture replicates itself forever and ineluctably."
-- Critical Race Theory. An Introduction. Third edition. by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
“As I see it, critical race theory recognizes that revolutionizing a culture begins with the radical assessment of it.”
by Derrick Bell
***CRT considers black nationalist as part of racial politics.
"Whatever the intentions and psycho-cultural needs of black integrationists in the past, it should now be apparent that the exclusion of a nationalist approach to racial justice from mainstream discourse has been a cultural and political mistake that has constrained the boundaries of racial politics."
--Race-consciousness by Gary Peller
***CRT rejects capitalism ***
"Capitalism is essentially racist; racism is essentially capitalist. They were birthed together from the same unnatural causes, and they shall one day die together from unnatural causes. "
-- Passing an Anti-Racist constitutional amendment. (politico magazine) by Ibram X. Kendi
***CRT advocates using racial discrimination to fight racism***
"The only remedy to racist discrimination is anti-racist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination."
-- Ibram X. Kendi
***CRT opposes color-blind, racial integration ***
"cultural genocide. In short, assimilation as a societal goal has grave potential consequences for blacks and other nonwhites. However utopian it appears, the color-blind assimilationist program implied the hegemony of white culture. "
-- A critique of "our constitution is color-blind" by Neil Gotanda
"The postracial idea is the most sophisticated racist idea ever produced."
By Ibram X. Kendi
***CRT is neo Marxism ***
"By legitimizing the use of race as a theoretical fulcrum and focus in legal scholarship, the so-called racialist accounts of racism and the law grounded the subsequent development of Critical Race Theory in much the same way that Marxism's introduction of class structure and struggle into classical political economy grounded subsequent critiques of social hierarchy and power. "
--Critical Race Theory: the key writings that formed the movement. Edited by Kimberle Crenshaw, ...
***CRT borrows from Marxism, nationalism ***
"Critical race theory is interdisciplinary and eclectic. It borrows from several traditions, including liberalism, law and society, feminism, Marxism, poststructuralism, critical legal theory, pragmatism, and nationalism. "
-- Words that wound. critical race theory, assaultive speech, and the first amendment. by Mari J. Matsuda, Charles R Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and Kimberle Crenshaw
***CRT strategize way to disseminate its believes into every corner of society without resistance, even awareness ***
"Critical race theory may even follow the examples of critical legal studies (CLS), which embedded itself so thoroughly in academic scholarship and teaching
that its precepts become commonplace, part of the conventional wisdom. This may, in fact, be happening. Consider how in many disciplines scholars, teachers,
and course profess, almost incidentally, to embrace critical race theory. Consider as well how many influential commentators, journalists, and books, such
as Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow, develop critical themes while hardly mentioning their origins in critical thought. Might critical race theory
one day diffuse into the atmosphere, like air, so that we are hardly aware of it anymore?"
-- Critical Race Theory. An Introduction. Third edition. by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Teach history as history... just a list of things that happened. Don't infuse it with your own perspective, biases, and ideology.