How Others Perceive You Based On Your Aura‼️💠🪬✨🔮Tarot + Remote Viewing🔮

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Hello Soul Tribe!

Please feel free to choose more than one pile as we can emit more than one aura energy colour. Please also remember, you are loved & valued! Thank you for watching ♡



Image 1: 01:01
Image 2: 13:57
Image 3: 29:27
Image 4: 43:05 [I said pile 3 oops🙃]
Image 5: 55:31


⭒ Wisdom Of The Oracle Divination Cards
⭒ The Unknowable Lives Tarot Deck
⭒ Shine From The Inside by Brittney Carmichael


My readings are intended for entertainment purposes only. They do not take the place of legal advice and or medical advice. Any major decisions should be consulted by a professional. This does not take the place of that.

Tarot readings are intended for entertainment purposes only. The opinions of this video are based solely on the cards and not of my own. Everyone referenced in this video is INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court of law which this reading is not a court of law. Please do not contact, harass, annoy or intimidate anyone involved regarding this reading. Intuitive readings are subject to interpretation & should NOT be taken as absolute truth. These cards will not and cannot force you to take a certain course of action & any course of action or decisions that you do take is because of your free will & of your sole responsibility.

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Please feel free to choose more than one pile as we can emit more than one aura energy colour. Please also remember, you are loved & valued! Thank you for watching ♡


I chose pile # 2
My third Eye is pretty well developed I can look at a person and sense an agenda in literally 1.5 seconds. There's no bs'ing I see people for who they truly are and stay away from drama as much as possible. There's only one rule I have to integrate someone into my life and that is to be a good human being. I have no agenda. I don't go around to see who I can disturb, hurt or use, it's just not who I am at my core.
I do have Pleiadian and Lyran origins and can sense energy even miles away. Although I'm a Scorpio Sun the major planet influences in my birth chart are Venus then Mercury and Jupiter.
I'm honestly intending to mind my own business, if I can be of assistance, great and to live my life in peace 🕊️


Pile 3 you completely nailed it! I am exactly the person to jump out of a plane or hike a mountain on a whim


Pile #4: So incredibly accurate for me that it gave me goosebumps. Your readings always resonate with me. I am a light worker, an energy healer, and also a catalyst, so both the good and bad facets you described apply to me. I am especially good with animals, true, and animals usually feel my energy and respond to it. I also notice that people with negative energy are repulsed by me and this has been the cause of some unpleasant encounters even within my own family. Many thanks for the validation, Melissa.


I literally get sick when I force myself to meet someone I don’t like to meet. Staying at home and enjoying my own company is my speciality. You are so spiritual and a good tarot reader💚💚


Pile 2! I'm actually scared of this accuracy


Chose pile 4. Resonated 💯 with this message. I have triggered people with my aura since I was young and used to take offense or be hurt by people reacting to me negatively. As you mentioned, I learned to accept that this is my light affecting others and I shouldn’t take it personally. My role is to shine the light to help them in whatever way that is needed, whether they want to face it or not. Thank you! ❤


Pile 1: People have always been nice to me. I can be friends with anyone! I am a healer also so I tend to attract unhealed people. I loved the reading <3


pile 2: i think it’s so cool how each of the cards has a celestial body in the image


Pile 3 you are accurate! I’ve even dreamt I’m a red aura and no one, I mean no one, likes to debate me lol. This was fun! Thank you darling ❤


Pile 2 of course I got this pile 😂 I stay away from negative people at all costs. I have absorbed peoples traumas through relations and I do agree with the whole “it’s an energy exchange”.


Pile 5 lol on point girl your gifted 👏 🔥❤️‍🔥 sending love and light 🙏🙌👏


Pile #2. I already knew what time it was when the word "intense" was uttered. 🤣


Pile2. You could not have been more accurate n describing the way I am. I totally resonate with your reading and so grateful I am not the only one. Thank you so much and Bless you.


Yes yes yes - It took my whole life to understand the eye thing - I had such a hard time understanding why they felt so uncomfortable - but as I healed and started to embody my strength and power - I understood why they couldn’t

Correct - that is always my inner answer - I am not here to play - I’m here to work and integrate these higher frequencies loved ones


Pile 2 this reading gave me so much peace. I've been feeling so panicky and anxious because I just hate being around people. So good to hear I didn't come here to socialize🤣 no but seriously thanks it really felt good to hear that. ❤️


Pile 4

I resonated with this 💯
I’m a psychic and have my own channel. But yes I’m definitely stirring up stuff and breaking cycles. I agree 💜

Thank you
I have definitely done the most work.


Wow that was awesome hearing that! I have been told my aura is green and white and I picked both piles 😮😊


#5 I am an Angel ♋️🫧✨💕Thank you beautiful!!!!


Pile 2: lightworker/empath. On point! Down to the never can be looked at in the eyes
