CALVINISM is not a Part of CHRISTIANITY #FalseGospel #DoctrineOfSatan #SalvationInChrist #BibleTruth

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Calvinists claim that those who are saved in Jesus Christ, do not "receive" the new birth in him but that it can only be "granted by election" (predestination). This is what they also believe about the eternally lost, that they are elected for eternal damnation because God is demonstrating his sovereignty, which glorifies him. The Holy Bible DOES not bear this out but rather tells us that God is love and that he is not willing for a single person to be eternally lost (1 John 4:16 and 2 Peter 3:9). They claim that to claim otherwise by echoing what the Holy Bible says, means we are forcing God to save us. Would this be "the Gospel" - "the Good News of Jesus Christ"? I believe the answer is obvious from God's Word and even apparent by common sense. NO! - It is not the Gospel (good news) according to the Holy Scriptures to say each person in mankind does not have the free choice to receive Jesus as Lord and savior or choose to reject him also by free choice granted to them by God through Jesus Christ.

John 1:12 - "But as many as RECEIVED him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name"
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I almost left the faith due to the teaching of dogmatic calvinism at a church I attended


Thank You for your ministry! Keep on going strong!

There are at least two ways to read Bible; One is to read it with desire to know the truth, another one is to read it in order to confirm what you already believed before you even start to reading it...


Romans 9
Epeshians 1
Matthew 16:17
John 15:16
John 6:37-39

This is scripture not philosophy, or what i think is right, just scripture. Read it and be set free from the burden of works.


This doctrine is an Atheist dream come true. Not only does it mean you don't have to do anything but wait until the day you die because it's already been determined where you shall go. This also proves when Atheist says if there is a God then he is an evil slave master who creates people for the sole purpose of torturing them and that we would be nothing more than slaves or dead corpses in heaven having to act and behave the way God forces us to be. To me, this sounds more like hell, not heaven. Even when people believe in God it seems like some are just Atheist at heart. TC


Amen! It’s always great to be reminded of John 3:16. Calvinism is surely a false gospel and an egregiously bad theology that undermines clear Scripture! Thanks James for continuing to expose it for what is is! God bless you!


I totally agree you need to trust in Jesus to be saved, but you also have to do something with all the passages about predestination and the elect.


Jesus was chosen before the foundation of the earth to bring Salvation for mankind. To believe that God chosen some to be saved and some damned for no reason and specially children that is plainly stupid and offensive to God. To believe on Jesus and the Gospel is required for Salvation.Even jews who were elected as a nation to know God is required to have faith to be called sons.


I hear a lot of invalid conclusions about Calvinism. For example "if you're not selected for salvation you're not going to be saved. No matter how badly you want to be". There are multiple layers to this.

(1) You state that (according to Calvinists) "God reprobates the mind of people so that one may not want to receive Jesus as Lord". Is that true, or is man dead in sin and is God the only one capable or renewing? Or can a man covered in mud wash himself clean (with more mud?). Is God is the only one who choses the purpose of the clay or can the clay decide on itself to draw closer to the potter (Romans 9)?

(2) Eventually this is the same problem as you state in another comment: "He sees everything frontwards and backwards (we are within linear time, God is not)" (which is an Arminian position). But God still decides to create, let (a lot of) people be born, while He knows that they will never be saved. The problems you describe in your video are essentially not "calvinist" problems, but rather the question: "Why did God create humans that (He knows) will not be saved"

Matt. 22:14 "For many are called, but few are chosen.".

We're also not "Calvinists" but Christians. No Calvinist will ever say that you can't be saved if you don't believe Calvinism, rather that you're saved by grave through faith. Even if you think Calvinism is not true. We do not believe we're Christians because "God chose us", we still believe we're Christians because we're saved by grave through faith. (Calvinism aims to be a framework in which we discover WHY we believe, not IF we believe and are saved)

God bless you in your further endeavours. I hope your faith will become stronger and I hope to see you on the new earth (because I assume you're also saved by grave through faith).

A "Calvinist".


do they read the bible? is it an interpretation ? its not upto you bud to say things . i dont agree with a lot they teach either but its too big of me to suggest that its not christian.. its rich coming from you seeing as im guessing you are a trinitarian . you have no freedom of speech to say that they are wrong .. extract the rafter out of your own eye then deal with theres


Oh let me guess you're an Arminian - these arguments never end. Most people that bash on Calvinism have never read, nor understand it, nor actually read their bibles with correct Hermeneutics or proper exegesis. Everything that Calvin taught is literally what is written in the actual Bible. It is written literally. You refuse to read God's word with the respect that God is ALL POWERFUL and that means even the emotional crybaby stuff you want to whine about doesn't change the truth about the all powerful and complete authority of God. Sounds like you just plain dont agree emotionally with God so you are going to attack the literal written word of the Bible in order to make God conform to your image of Him rather than you just accepting his written word and conforming to him.


Right off the bat..misinformation. John Calvin did not invent this and did not start a denomination.


Seems sad how so many people like this are popping up on the web. The condemn Calvinism, with very week understanding of Calvinism. Just like this guy he glosses over the idea and core Biblical concepts that are straight, clear and fundemental issue taught and spoken of in the Bible. What i would love to see... If any Armenian would do a similar thing Jefferson did when coming up with his Bible... Jefferson came up with his own bible called "The Jefferson Bible". The NT when from say 500 pages down to about 60 as a rough estimation... Anything miraculous or define, rip it out! So love to see an anti-Calvinism rip out and verses that support Calvinism... I started out as a super strong Arminianism, then some time about 25 years ago i realized i never had read the entire Bible, was i sure i'm understanding it correctly. Interesting i set out to read the entire Bible cover to cover but also to understand it as best as i could. Interesting the more i read, the Holy Spirit was guiding me into the truth. Things i assumed/asserted as true... Ooops Houston we have a problem.. The Bible says "xyz" but i believed 💩... One super obvious one

Eph 1:1) Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus:
2) Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
3) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,
4) just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love
5) He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,
6) to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.
7) In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace
8) which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight
9) He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him

v4. He chose us in Him -> BEFORE THE WORLD EVER EXISTED <-
v5. He predestined us to adoption. -> This violates the gospel of man... I have freewill God can't chose for others! <- ???

We will not this man in the video says "Sure God had a plan before the foundation of the world..." Interesting he adds "Sure God had a plan", oops which verse say it was God's plan to later choose us. Or is this guy an Open Theist? No it clearly says "just as He chose us in Him".

Loved listening to a sermon where a fairly predominate Calvinistic was answering an Armenian that asked "What got you to become and teach Calvinism"? The preacher simply said "The Bible"... Reading the Bible in context and using the Bible to interpret the Bible, Calvinism is by far the best and most solid explanation of the Bible. My favorite verse would be Rom 9:16, not sure God could be any more clear, even better read the passage in context. At best the heretics will say Rom 9 is not two people but two nations. Problem the Greek words used a singular personal, nation or a group of people won't fit the pronouns... I'm far from a KJV only fan, good but archaic/outdated language, but my point is many come up with the heresies by reading only the Engerish translation but not double check and read what the original Hebrew/Greek is saying... Many come up and assert points they never could from the original language, but as Engerish is such a poor language, like love... Engerish only had one word for it, Greek has seven as an example.

Then again asking why so many are attacking Calvinism... Hmm here is a thought many are being deceived by satan to attack what is true? At best most will do exactly as this guy has... They add something in the text because it seems right and that it fits, but is wrong... I would ask what can i add to Christ or His story/plan of redemption to be saved... I would assert *NOTHING*. I've studied the Bible now for 50 years hard to seen where Calvinism is false, well if you truly have studied it and understand what exactly it teaches. Even the objections raised here "God sends children to hell..." Um... Rom 5? For in the likeness of one death spread to all men because all men sinned. Or as we read David says "In sin did my mother conceive me..." The problem is people don't accept Total Depravity. Strange Rom 5 is clear death spread to all men. Or will you say some people are with out sin? If so you call God a liar 1 John 1 is clear -- "If we say we have no sin you make God a liar..." think v8 or so, sorry from memory. But if you have sin, then you are a slave of sin, blind and deceived and hate God. So how would anyone in this state ever accept God... Ah but if God chooses and changed your mind, ah so the one whom the son sets free is free indeed... or Gal 5:1. These are the finer points that put the death nail in the Armenian argument against Calvinism...


Calvinism is closer to Islam than to Christianity.


Ah, yes. Every Christian on the planet is lucky enough to fall into the One True version of the One True religion, if you ask them if theirs is the true version.


If it's not a part of the Gospel then you have a problem. You believe that faith is something that the natural man produces in and of himself you believe that apart from sin and death and cut off from the life of God you get to choose when the scripture clearly says I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy and whom he wills he hardens. You have a lot to work out apparently. Everybody only likes to read the middle of the book of Romans. The first part like chapter 1 or especially the last they don't have anything to do with. I suggest you read it. Because all of you who tried to speak in terms of free will and reject god making vessels unto honor and some unto dishonor openly deny the scriptures, do not believe in grace but rather an opportunity that everyone can take advantage of and you will not fall into the hands of the living God. You shrink back you shake your fist and say I will not believe in a God like that.. and not willing to fall upon that rock and be broken, you draw back unto perdition.. not willing to submit to God's righteousness you seek to establish your own through your own works and your own choices.


You don’t know what you’re talking about.

“How do you know?”

…because I watched the video! 😂
